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A Great first project for blacksmithing

Blacksmithing is a craft about function. You make, fix, and modify metals to serve a function. Although sometimes a blacksmith will make objects for decorative purposes.

This project is a great first project for a beginner blacksmith because it teaches you several basic techniques that every blacksmith uses. And you end up with a functional tool that you can use in your blacksmithing.

It is a forge raking tool. And you use it to manipulate the coals and tend the fire in your forge. All you need for this project is a two foot long piece of rebar. You can buy rebar at home improvement stores in the section where they sell cement and concrete.



The techniques you learn when making this project:

  • Squaring
  • Rounding
  • Twisting
  • Splitting
  • Bending
  • Pointing
  • Flatting



Blacksmithing for beginners book

Get Will's Blacksmithing book - 48 pages of blacksmithing expertise that answers all your questions and gets you blacksmithing. Always dreamed of doing it? Let Will help you get forging! Will's Blacksmithing ebook

(also available in paperback on amazon here)