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StormTheCastle Diorama Part 4 - continued

In this part of the tutorial we look at laying out the castle by assembling the parts and preparing the ground for it all.


You can see by this picture that the castle is one contiguous unit. We built, detailed and base painted each building separately. Now we need to put the whole thing together. And that entails more than just glueing each piece together. There is some literal ground work to do.

The diorama in its current state


overhead view of the castle

The whole castle structure is an enclosed unit and it has concentric rings of walls which is pretty common for castle fortresses. And each wall inside separates a section that is at a different ground level than the others . So we had to make this happen.

The inner rings of the castle are handled a little differently . Those are more like courtyards and we carved cobblestones in those areas.


the layers of ground

This picture gives you a good look at the concentric ring setup and how the castle floor gets higher toward the back. The white is ground layer, then a thin layer of pink for an inner courtyard, then a thick layer of foam for the final courtyard.


Plastering the terrain

You can see that outside the castle going as far as the moat there is white and inside the outermost ring of the castle there is white. This is the terrain and we did this by applying sheets of plaster cloth. This gives it a nice terrain texture and feel.


The water well

Just as we did detail work to the walls and towers we can now do this to the inner courtyard grounds. Here is a water well.


the cobble stones

And we do the cobblestoning.


Base painting

And just like the buildings we paint it a base paint of black.


NextOk, lets finish this stage off by putting it all together (Part 4c)




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