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Model Railroad Miniatures are a great choice

If you are looking around for miniatures you should take a look at the model railroad hobby. For decades companies have been making terrific miniature figures and objects. But they tend to be little known my other types of hobbyists.


My thoughts about model railroad miniatures came when I was making a diorama that I call the Sardine Box Diorama. Here is a picture of that project. Can you see the little tiny fishermen along the shore? (That project is here)

And these figures are simply terrific. A whole lot of fun. And there are lots of them to choose from.


I ended up buying a series of miniature fishermen.

They are available on Amazon here: Miniature Fly Fishermen



Let's get a closer look at the ones I used in the diorama


Here is a look at a couple more fishermen from the package I bought. This picture shows you the size of them. They are about 3/4 of an inch tall. These figures are to scale and it is called the "HO" scale. So, if you want miniatures that are this size then do a search on Amazon of HO Scale Miniatures.

There is a whole lot of great stuff there in the HO scale including people, figures, barn animals, buildings, trees, street lights and more.

Here are a few of the more popular ones:


Woodland scenics 16 figures:





If you are looking for miniatures that are a little bit bigger than this you could go with "O" scale. It is twice the size of HO scale. So the figures are about 1 1/2" tall.

Here is a link to O scale miniatures on Amazon