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Make a Jewelry Box Terrarium

This is a fun and easy little project and you just need a few basic supplies.

There are all sorts of clear containers that you can use for this project. I had this plastic case that was perfect for this.


Here is the completed terrarium that we make


We follow all the standard process for making a terrarium which is:

  1. Put in pebbles for drainage
  2. put in a layer of spaghnum moss (It keeps layers separated and everything from getting muddy)
  3. put in some activated charcoal to purify water (optional)
  4. Put the soil layer on top of all that
  5. add the plants and the accessories


Colored pebbles

We used a bag of these wonderful colored pebbles.



Hammer the pebbles

But the pebbles were rather large for our small terrarium. We broke them up with a mallet! Be sure to wear safety glasses.


Put a layer of pebbles

Now we place a layer of the broken pebbles in the bottom of the terarium like you see here. And the mass of sphagnum moss on the right shows us the next step.


Put a layer of moss

Next add a layer of Sphagnum moss. This is a protective layer that prevents the soil from running down into the pebbles and creating a muddy mess.


Add layer of charcoal

Then add a thin layer of activated charcoal. This will purify the water as it recycles in the terrarium. And it is optional. If you don't have this charcoal you can go without it!



Add layer of soil

Ok, add a layer of potting soil.



NextOk, Let's finish this terrarium



A Cloche Terrarium

A Cloche Terrarium

Cloche and Bell Jar Terrariums have become very popular, and for good reason. They are beautiful and easy to care for. Here are some pictures of a cloche terrarium submitted by a web visitor. I also have a nice selection of Cloches and Bell Jars for you to check out.



Fantasy Terrarium

The Enormous Fantasy Terrarium

Step into a magnificent Fantasy Terrarium World. This is a massive six foot terrarium and you have just got to check it out! The Big Fantasy Terrarium


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