I was working at the computer when a big truck pulled up in front of
my house and parked. The whole room went dark and for a second I thought
there was a total eclipse or something.
I had to snap a picture of this. It just seems to be an apt metaphor
for the world we live in. They are everywhere and they are vying for
your attention. It leaves you so little time to think for yourself...
It is so hard to stay on the goal and to see the path when everything
around you screams for your attention. After a thousand times of them
telling you how to think it starts to take hold..
I used to think that I had the power to control them, I could turn off
the TV or listen only to public radio. I could get a pop up blocker and
ignore them in magazines. But no matter how hard we try they still manage
to get inside. It's what they do. They spend all their time figuring out
how to do it. |