I love the whole process of bringing a book to life. It’s a very long and complicated process.
But the part I probably love the best is when I receive the very first actual copies of the book!
And this happened to me yesterday. I awaited nervously all day for the postman to arrive with my books and they finally got here. Those last few hours of the book manifestation process are the slowest hours.

And they look pretty good.
An interesting little factoid you might find interesting is that author proof copies are marked as “Not for resale”. I guess this is to avoid any shenanigans because the author gets these copies either free or at a very low cost.

And this part of the process is important. You get to actually see and feel the product. How exactly is the cover? Are the images clean and sharp? Is the layout correct? Pages all good. There are a hundred things to check on.
And there seems to be a small weakness with my book. Some of the images are a bit sub-par in quality. So I am going to have to decide whether or not I want to re-work them or just go with it the way it is.
I will let you know how it goes. It’s not a big thing and it probably wouldn’t be noticed by the reader. But as the author and publisher it is something noticeable. See the graphic here on the left page? It’s not as vibrant as I would like it to be.