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Example Portion of a Video Game Script
Chapter One "The Library"
This chapter allows the player to get familiar with the library and
how the game operates. Goal to completing Chapter: Shelf the uncatalogued books in the Tower
Programmers notes: There are five important rooms in this chapter:
The Main Hall
The Card Catalog room
The Tower Room
The Observatory
The Employee Lounge
Important Items in this chapter:
Key rack in Main Hall
Key to Observatory
Key to Tower Room
Sofa in Employee lounge
Books that Nadia Carries
Locked door to basement
Desk in Observatory
Card Catalog
Functions and location of each room and item The Main Hall: Location of the Key rack
The Card Catalog room: Location of the card catalog
The Tower Room: Final destination for the books Nadia carries
The Observatory: Location of the Desk
The Employee Lounge: Location of the Sofa
Key rack in Main Hall Location of the Observatory Key
Key to Observatory: Unlocks Observatory: Found on key rack in Main Hall
Key to Tower Room: Unlocks Tower Room; Found in the Desk in observatory
Sofa in Employee lounge: Displays message: This looks like a good place
to relax and read (Important for later chapter)
Books that Nadia Carries: Display message "Uncatalogued books"
Locked door to basement: Display message "Door Locked" Important
for later chapter
Desk in Observatory: Location of the Tower room key
Card Catalog: Major game functions, at this time it displays "Save
Game" option, additional functions added as game progresses. If
Nadia's books have been clicked on then message is displayed: "Uncatalogued
books are stored in the Tower Room"
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Making a video game main page Video Game Writing Resources  Professional Techniques for Video Game Writing This book by the International Game Developers Association (IGDA) Game Writing Special Interest Group focuses on various aspects of working as a professional game writer, including how to break in to game writing, writing manuals, narrative design, writing in a team, working as a freelancer, working with new intellectual property, and more. It includes exercises and writing samples; additional writing samples are available from the book's website.  Writing for Video Games - Video games are a lucrative market for scriptwriters, but writing for video games is complex and very different from traditional media such as television or film. This practical guide shows how you can adapt your writing skills to this exciting medium. Written by an award-winning games writer, the book provides a realistic picture of how companies work, how the writer fits into the development process, and the skills required: storytelling; developing interactive narrative, characters, and viewpoints; dialogue comedy; and professional practice.  The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design - . Authors are top game designers
. Aspiring game writers and designers must have this complete bible There are other books about creating video games out there. Sure, they cover the basics. But The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design goes way beyond the basics. The authors, top game designers, focus on creating games that are an involving, emotional experience for the gamer. Topics include integrating story into the game, writing the game script, putting together the game bible, creating the design document, and working on original intellectual property versus working with licenses. Finally, there's complete information on how to present a visionary new idea to developers and publishers. Got game? Get The Ultimate Guide to Video Game Writing and Design.

Writing for Video Game Genres: From FPS to RPG This book delivers practical advice from seasoned veterans on the special challenges of writing for first-person shooter games (FPS), role-playing games (RPG), and everything in between, including massively multiplayer online games, real-time strategy games, sports games, horror games, serious games, casual games, handheld games, and more.