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Working on a project? Writing a story? Or maybe for a school project?
Here is an enormous list of terrific medieval names for you

Medieval Names

Here is a collection of interesting Medieval Names that I have collected. they come from a wide variety of sources. Also there is name places and title. Anything interesting when it comes to names. This is an ongoing list that is growing so bookmark this and check back.

I have compiled this list of Medieval Names and places from a wide variety of sources including books, historical events and places, novels and many other sources.

If you are a video game player and looking for an interesting name this is a great resource. If you are a writer or video game designer this is also a great resource because of all the interesting place and event names.

Trying to put together a good Medieval name title like Sir John of Canterbury or Lord Markett the Brave? Hop down the page to the Title and Name Suggestions

A web vistitor suggested I put a section for horse names. That's a really great idea so I added a section at the bottom and of course I put Shadowfax. But I need more names! So if you have suggestions for medieval names of horse send them to me!!

I am currently adding and updating a new section of names for gamers. It is aimed at making names for your characters that are of different races like Dwarves and Elves. Hop Down the Page to this Section Dwarf and Elf Names

New Section: A web visitor suggested I do Names for Dragons! And that is a great idea so down toward the bottom I have added a section for that :) Dragon Names

I received an email from somebody with some great name suggestions. I added these suggestions but I also wanted to say that the person signed the email "Ann O. Nymous" lol! Which in itself is a great name :) My thanks to Ann for the suggestions.

If you have ideas for Medieval names or you have suggestions send the webmaster an email!

Interesting Medieval Names
Men's Names Women's Names
  • Kalevi
  • Merek
  • Carac
  • Ulric
  • Tybalt
  • Borin
  • Sadon
  • Terrowin
  • Rowan
  • Forthwind
  • Althalos
  • Fendrel
  • Brom
  • Hadrian
  • Lord Crewe
  • Walter De Bolbec
  • Earl of Derwintwater
  • Lord Montagu
  • Sir John Fenwick of Wallington
  • Oliver Cromwell
  • Justice McKinnon
  • Sir Clifton Writingham
  • Walter deGrey
  • Roger de Mowbray
  • Joseph Rowntree
  • Geoffrey Chaucer
  • William of Wykeham
  • Francis Drake
  • Simon de Montfort
  • John of Gaunt
  • William of Orange
  • Lord Cornwallis
  • Edmund Cartwright
  • Charles the Bald
  • Benedict
  • Gregory
  • Peter
  • Henry
  • Frederick
  • Walter
  • Thomas
  • Arthur
  • Bryce
  • Donald
  • Leofrick
  • Letholdus - In the 1st Crusade this was the first knight over the wall of Jerusalem.
  • Lief
  • Barda
  • Rulf
  • Robin
  • Gavin
  • Terrin/Terryn
  • Ronald
  • Jarin
  • Cassius
  • Leo
  • Cedric
  • Gavin
  • Peyton
  • Josef
  • Janshai
  • Doran
  • Asher
  • Quinn
  • Zane  
  • Xalvador
  • Favian
  • Destrian
  • Dain
  • Lord Falk
  • Berinon
  • Tristan
  • Gorvenal



  • Bridgette (pronounced like Bridget)
  • Tove (pronounced toe-vay)
  • Marjatta (Mahri-yatta)
  • Irmeni
  • Millicent
  • Alys (15th Century Alice)
  • Ayleth
  • Anastas
  • Alianor
  • Cedany
  • Ellyn (16th century variation of Helen)
  • Helewys (variant of Eliose)
  • Malkyn (diminutive of Mary)
  • Peronell
  • Sybbyl (variant of Sibyl)
  • Ysmay (Variant of Esme)
  • Thea
  • Jacquelyn
  • Amelia the Countess of Derwentwater
  • Gloriana
  • Good Queen Bess
  • Catherine of Aragon
  • Anne of Cleves
  • Mary, Queen of Scots
  • Mary of Guise
  • Arabella
  • Elizabeth
  • Hildegard
  • Brunhild
  • Adelaide
  • Alice
  • Beatrix
  • Cristiana
  • Eleanor
  • Emeline
  • Isabel
  • Juliana
  • Margaret
  • Matilda
  • Mirabelle
  • Rose
  • Helena
  • Guinevere
  • Isolde
  • Maerwynn
  • Muriel
  • Winifred
  • Godiva
  • Catrain
  • Angmar
  • Gussalen
  • Jasmine
  • Josselyn
  • Maria
  • Victoria
  • Gwendolynn
  • Enndolynn
  • Janet
  • Luanda
  • Krea
  • Rainydayas
  • Atheena
  • Dimia
  • Phrowenia (the i is silent)
  • Aleida
  • Ariana
  • Alexia
  • Katelyn
  • Katrina
  • Loreena
  • Kaylein
  • Seraphina
  • Duraina
  • Ryia
  • Farfelee
  • Iseult (Variation of Isolde)
  • Benevolence
  • Brangian
  • Elspeth
  • Lord
  • King
  • Duke
  • Earl
  • Bishop
  • Count
  • Sir
  • Alderman
  • Admiral
  • Vicar
  • Monk
  • Archbishop
  • Prince
  • Cardinal
  • Chancellor
  • Lady
  • Queen
  • Duchess
  • Countess
  • Princess
  • Lady in Waiting
  • Maid
  • Maiden
  • Dame
Interesting Medieval Names from Places
  • Priests Hole
  • Hexham Road
  • Penny Pie
  • Riddlehamhope Hall
  • Muggleswick (yup and not related to Harry Potter )
  • Gillygate
  • Bishops Bridge
  • Knavesmire
  • Skeldergate Bridge
  • Ulster Plantation
  • YorkenShire
  • Billige
  • The Kelvin Castle
  • The Celvin Castle
  • The Cheviot Hills
  • Maiden Way
  • Blanchland Abbey
  • The Devil's Causeway
  • The Forest of Coucy
  • Stonegate
  • Bookbinders Alley
  • Goodramgate
  • The Shambles
  • Westminster Abbey
  • Little Wenham
  • Wedgemore
  • The Country of Domin
  • The Country of Gully
  • The Country of Samavia
Interesting Battle Ground Names and places
  • The Battle Of Marson Moor
  • The Hundred Years War
  • The Peasant's Revolt
  • The War of the League of Augsburg
  • The First Bishop's War
  • The Battle of Hastings
  • The Wars of the Roses
  • The Norman Conquest
  • The Pentland Rising
  • Kett's Rebellion
  • The Battle of Formigny
Castle and Fortress Names
  • Dilston Castle
  • Bishopthorpe Palace
  • Castle Howard
  • Longford Castle
  • Blair Castle
  • Fort St.George
Medieval Names and Places that are simply too cool to miss
  • The Devils Causeway
  • The Queens Cave on Dipton Burn
  • Hadrian's Wall
  • Drumclog Moss
  • The Case of Jenkins' Ear
  • The Knights of Malta
  • The Order of the Dragon
  • The Order of the Golden Fleece
  • The Red Tower
  • The Black Death
  • The Cave of Mother Shipton
  • The Wedgwood Potteries
  • Lord Protector of the Commonwealth
  • Knights Templar
  • The Order of Saint Lazarus
Interesting Medieval Words that are Relevant
  • Abbey
  • Canon
  • Monastery
  • House of Lords
  • Cloister
  • Manor
  • Court
  • Debtor's Prison
Medieval Castle Words
  • Portcullis
  • Barbican
  • Moat
  • Tower
  • Cathedral
  • Chapel
Descriptive Titles
  • St John The Evangelist
  • Richard the Lion Hearted
  • The Kings Council
  • The Archbishop of Canterbury
  • Richard, Earl of Warwick
Names of Horses
  • Stormbringer
  • Swiftflight
  • Sorrowsweet
  • Shadowmere
  • Shadowfax
  • Keirstrider
  • Bruno
  • Fireflanel
  • Curonious
  • Suntaria
  • Joust-a-Lot
  • Gypsy
  • Titanium
  • Curse
  • BraveGalloper
  • Lightning
  • Thunder
  • Storm
  • StormChaser
  • Goldentrot
  • Stareyes
  • Rock

  • Morningstar
  • Firefreeze
  • Chastity
  • Veillantif
  • Winddodger
  • Hafaleil
  • Starflare
  • Elton
  • Cobalt
  • Darktonian
  • DeathBringer
  • Death Storm
  • GrandPrancer
  • BigHeart
  • Canterwell
  • Fury
  • Wildfire
  • Tempest
  • Fallenhoof
  • Silvermane
  • Bowrider
Names of Dragons
  • Caeronvar
  • Ysellian
  • Nrrillinthas
  • Zantorian
  • Gragoloon
  • Vusatunell
  • Incatasi
  • Quitulias
  • Emeraldblood
  • Withertooth
  • Endor
  • Thorodan
  • Maelyss
  • Miasmador
  • Demontion
  • Utoyelna
  • Momentoiya
  • Whituryd
  • Maerilin
  • Zermanion
  • Parthannax (Parth-a-nax)
  • Alduin (Al-doo-in)
  • Dracorex Hogwartsia (Dragon King of Hogwarts)

Here are some great names that a web visitor suggested:


Selda of Blackrain
Sir Quaren the Bold
Sir Charles of Denvorn
Arthur Binnety
King Roger Mickney the 3rd
Duke Sherman of Dukeville
Antwan the Monk
Sir Daniel the Cute
Sir Justin of Shining Armor
Sir Nick the Mighty
Maiden Mary
Lady Sydney
Queen Oz
Queen of Oz!

Here are more suggestions by a web visitor and I like the idea of names of medieval towns and the names of swords!

Names of People:
Lythwyn the Bowman
Archduke Jeffyrson of Cornalius
Cheshire Charles Chyfles of Chyncharm
Steward Calvin Strayts
Daniel Snellson of Bristol

Names of Swords:

Names of Towns:

Here are some more great suggestions by a web visitor:

Tannin, means 'dragon' in Hebrew. 
Tobran (a barbarian)
Jhyn (asian half-elf)
Taor Raorenson ('cursed' minotaur)
Kolanthel (elven-raised half-elf).

Another name is from a great-something grandfather, and guess it originally came out of either the Iliad or Odyssey: Alcinus.  Dunno if the Greeks said it like <awl-KIN-us>, but for the family it was <al-SIGH-nus>, as if we we're discussing some guy's cold symptoms ("... and then there's Al's sinus problems...")  The first, hard-C version sounds heroic enough for the list you've made, but the soft-C version seems more like it should be a villainry section.

And don't forget you can just stick a medieval suffix on some names.  For example, -vin or -wyn means FRIEND:

Alvin, 'friend of all'
Baldwin, 'bold friend'
Calvin, 'faithful friend'
Devin, 'friend of the divine' or 'poet'
Elvin, 'friend of elves'
Kelvin, 'friend of ships'

-Smith (metalsmith)
-(name)-bard (storyteller or minstrel)
-Cooper (barrel-maker)
-(name)-son (son of "name")

-ley/-leigh means 'from the field', -lock 'lake', -well, -wise/-vis, -rick/-righ (king), -ton 'town', -wood, -ward 'protector', -drake (dragon), -brook & -burn 'from the stream', -stone/-ston, -wyk/-wich 'man', -mond/-mount, -bert 'bright', -hill/-dale/-tor/-crest (hill), -row (path or line), -brake (hedge)

Those are all anglo-saxon, mind you, but Tolkien did fair adding to a common Hebraic name-root: Samwise.  Still, surmise that there'd be similar lists from other ethnicities if you looked.  Just keep it down to AT MOST 4 syllables with the suffix.  Can even combine them: Estonbrook means somethig like "from the stony stream".


Medieval Title and Naming Suggestions

Before the Persons name you can put their title. Some examples:

  • Lord Baldor
  • Archbishop Drake
  • Commander Dilston
  • Duke William
  • Duchess Elizabeth
  • Prince William


You can also append to the name of the person and there were two usual ways to do this: By the place they came from or a characteristic about them

  • Characteristics:
  • Sir William The Brave
  • Lord Walter The Courageous
  • Sir James the Red
  • Admiral Stout the Strong
  • The Lionhearted
  • The Great
  • From Where:
  • Mary, Queen of Scots
  • The Archbishop of Canterbury
  • The Prince of Wales
  • William of Wykeham
  • Roland of York


Of course you can combine these two techniques and create the name with a suffix and a prefix

Sir William the Strong



Suggestions and tips for Names of other races in your game

So you are looking for a name for your character in a video games? One of the best things about doing this is that these types of characters lend themselves really nicely to unique names that still have a flavor for the race. Here are some examples:

Dwarves: There are lots of great things you can do with dwarf names that express their uniqueness. Use words like: stone, iron, rock, boulder, earth, shield, mace, helm, stocky, solid, short, fist, shovel, dig, mine, or any kind of mineral. Dwarves have the traditional reputation of being short, having beards and being miners so you can use anything that shows this in the name. Here are some dwarf name examples:

  • Stoneshield
  • Ironfist
  • Longbeard
  • Shortaxe
  • Shoevelhands
  • Silverbeard
  • Littledigger

And Dwarf names really sound great when they are longer. For example: Stoneshield Littledigger is a great name. Or Silverbeard Ironmace.

If you are looking for a dwarf name that is not a word but still sounds dwarfish consider using some of the hard consonants like R and K.

  • Roggar Littledigger
  • Kargeth Stonehammer
  • Rukkek Tunnelmaker
  • Cronkar Yellowmace
  • Delvkanash
  • Brkasack
  • Bislekar

Elves: Now elves have a totally different look and feel which lends itself to some great elven names. You should think about their slender tall bodies and translate this into words. Use the softer consonants and mix it up with nature type words.

  • Leleanda
  • Orienla
  • Allalian treesinger
  • Jelianlee bowmaster
  • Ulalla greenmeadows
  • Elwendia Forestfriend
  • Yeerlin Silverleaf
  • Choriandus
  • Bealcrest
  • Slikver
  • Glandias
  • Bruhamoff

Orcs: Orcs have a very guttural language and of course that means their names will be very guttural. Here are a couple of suggestions by a web visitor (Zak).

  • Agronach
  • Molag
  • Gludbog zugrak brugnab zark drurk gruk nubdak agguh subush zuzug jagluk

Stuff For Writers

Are you a writer (or aspiring writer) of Medieval or fantasy works? I have a lot of great essays and tutorials on my epic fantasy site that will help you dramatically improve your writing. Articles for writers

Looking for More Medieval names? I have lots more here

Ships Names:

  • The Lady Luck
  • Merry Maiden


Medieval Projects you can make

Oh Yes, Let's make some medieval things


Paper Mache Diorama

How to make a paper mache diorama
Don't have the materials for a diorama? You can make one out of paper mache which is just flour and water. I show you how in this tutorial where I make a scene from the Lord of the Rings Castle Helms Deep. How to make a paper mache diorama



Spartan VambracesMake 300 Spartan Vambraces (armguards)

A tutorial on how to make paper mache and cardboard vambraces that fit well and look good. Just like the ones in the movie 300. Make 300 Spartan Vambraces


Free paper role playing game The Katana and the Watermelon
This is a series of videos and projects that are a lot of fun. First off I show you how strong the cardboard Katana is. (This katana is a project you can find further down the page). The Katana and the Watermelon, Paper Mache and Pinatas



Make a Paper Castle Make a Paper Castle (Neuschwanstein)
This is nice paper project where I give you all the plans, You print them up and put them together , Not too hard and looks great - Paper Castle





How to Forge a Sword - This is part 1 of a series of tutorials that take you through the whole process of blacksmithing a sword: How to forge a sword









Free paper role playing game Free Role Playing paper based game: Enter the Labyrinth and Rescue the Princess
This is a complete game that I made. It has everything you need in one download. The game pieces, the board and the rulebook. Paper Game: Enter the Labyrinth and Rescue the Princess





Make a Mangonel How to Make a Torsion powered catapult called a Mangonel:
This type of catapult uses twisted string or rope as a source of power and it is more accurate to the real catapults of Medieval times. Its an easy project and this little Mangonel reallly fires! How to make a Mangonel




Wizards Tower Make a Cardboard Shield for Halloween or just for fun
I have some nice tips and a tutorial on how to make a good looking cardboard shield. Make a cardboard Shield






Make a cardboard SwordMake A Cardboard Sword: I have a complete tutorial that shows you how to make a durable cardboard sword. I make four different swords: A Cutlass, A Knights Sword, Buster Sword and a Reaper Scythe. Perfect for Halloween or for use as a prop. Make a Cardboard Sword



The Fantasy Paper Game

Play the Paper Role-Playing Adventure Game called Storm The Castle! Everything you need, print it up make it and play! Rule book, pieces and game board all free. Paper Adventure Game



A Paper and Cardboard Castle

Make a paper and cardboard castle - complete with printout and full instructions. Totally free. Fun afternoon project.





Table Top Troll Catapult

Build A Catapult - Lots of free catapult projects from tiny popsicle stick ones to table top sized.



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