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How it works:
Roll over the button to get the engine started....

Then click on it.

When you press the button above you will activate the Serendipity Engine and you will be taken to the output screen. This is the Carousel.

The Carousel is a selection of books, movies or more in a variety of subjects.

Choose something that catches your eye and click on it to learn more. If nothing catches your eye you can return and try again.,

But the whole point of this engine is to get you to try something new. You really shouldn't keep clicking until you find a subject that you already know you like.


The Serendipity Engine

"The danger of having the world at your fingertips is having nothing in your head" -Albert Borgmann, Holding on to Reality The Nature of Information at the Turn of the Millennium

On Pattern avoidance and creating new streams of information and thought in your life

The media rich world that we live in is a blessing and very remarkable in many ways but there are risks involved.

There are only a handful of major companies that dictate what we learn about on a daily basis.

Did you ever notice that everybody talks about the same things? Water cooler talk is the same across the couhntry.

If you run n the same circles, with the same people and same coworkers you always get the same points of view.

If you want to break out of this box and expose yourself to something new, maybe something you never thought before, then the Serendipity Engine© is for you.