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Warcraft Cooking Quest: Manalicious
This is the quest for Manalicious. Your reward is some gold and your choice of either a barrel of fish or a crate of meat. An important thing to note here is the instruction to forget about Stormspire. Marabella went directly to Netherstorm and then to Eco-Dome Midrealm and the Berry bushes were everywhere. It took me about three minutes to collect up the berries I needed for the quest. A Manaberry Bush
So, It was a quick ride back to Shattrath and The Rokk for my reward. I turned in the berries and selected the Barrel of fish. The whole quest took about ten minutes and most of this was flight time Here is what I got inside my barrel of fish: 8 Barbed Gill Trout 6 Figluster's Mudfish (Used to make Grilled Mudfish) 1 Ruined Fishing Net Recipe: Skullfish Soup (Nice recipe and I have more info about the recipe and where to catch the crescent-tail skullfish here)
Articles: Fishing