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Lord of the Rings calendar
Lord of the Rings
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Crossroads of Twilight
By Robert Jordan
(The Wheel of Time, Book 10)
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What's Will working on now.
I have a lot of exciting new projects in the works.
Will's video game If you love video games, especially fantasy, sword fighting-RPG type games you will be excited to know that I am currently designing my own video game based on my novel "Fulcrum Shift". I am using the Genesis3D open source engine and I will be posting a game progress page so you can check in to see how it is going. I am designing the game along the book chapters so as soon as the first game chapter is done I will post it here as a freebie- yup a freebie.
Customer request page I get a lot of commonly requested items so I have made a page to display them. If you have come here looking for something specific and couldn't find it, chances are that somebody has requested it. So take a quick look at the Customer Request Page.
Will's video game store! I have just opened a new website devoted to video games for both consoles and the PC. It has lots of games and accessories for Playstation, PS2, Xbox, PC, Dreamcast, Gameboy and others. If you are into games then check out Castle Games.

Wills New Book store "Castle Books". I have opened a new bookstore with an enormous collection of books in all categories, not just science fiction and fantasy. Check out Castlebooks.

To Buy Will's book you can also call 1-877-823-9235 or go to the publisher iUniverse

27 in. x 40 in.
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There's a new babe of the month! Angelina Jolie - Check her out

The Two Towers poster is here!
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Fantasy Herald

Fulcrum shift a free fantasy novel
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