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Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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Direct Letter
Aug 05 (first draft)
My name is Will and I have embarked on a quest to find the meaning of life and I have chosen to ask you what you think. First let me say thankyou for reading this letter and if you respond then I thankyou again. This letter comes with a self addressed stamped envelope that you can return it to me in.
If you so desire you can remain anonymous; simply fill in your answer and do not add your name. I appreciate your response.
If you want to know more about my quest you can visit me at www.stormthecastle.com. That is not a plug for my website it is simply a place for you to go if you want to check on the sincerity of my quest.
I have not prefaced my question with any thoughts, conclusions, or suppositions. I wish your answer to be purely yours without interference or guidance from me. Please feel free to write whatever you like.
So if I may?
What is the meaning of Life? |
My sincerest thanks,
Will Kalif
Please pop this letter in the enclosed Self Addressed Stamped Envelope and pop it in a mailbox.
Please note: I will be posting your answer to my website. If you wish to remain anonymous then let me know. Or if you wish it to be known who you are and what your response is then let me know. You can always reply without adding your name and guarantee your anonymity