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How to change your life - by Will |
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You run a dialogue in your head and that dialogue is preventing you from doing/being what you want to do/be. You have to change that dialogue. Let me give you an example: You want to get a new job, something more fulfilling, but when you think about it these thoughts creep into your head. "I like the money here. What will my spouse say. What if I can't find a better job? I will have to be the new person at the new place." These are just examples. The things you run through your mind are probably different but they do the same thing: they short circuit your ability to make the change. "What if the new job doesn't work out?" "How will I pay the mortgage?" You see what I mean. There are a thousand reasons; There are always a thousand reasons. So why do you keep thinking about making the change? Here are some more dialogues: "I can't work out, I have to sign up at a gym, I have to face other people in the shape I am in. I hate working out. I can't, I can't, I can't." It's a bunch of Horse hockey. You have to change those dialogues in your head. Replace them with ones that give you advancement toward what YOU want. Here's some examples: "When I find a job doing what I want to do I am going to feel so fulfilled. I always dreamed of doing that. Imagine how great it will be when I am doing that job! My family is going to be so proud of me when I start going to the gym. My spouse is going to be so please when I start shedding the pounds. Even one half of a pound is a step in the direction toward the new me. You see what the difference here is? What you think is what you become. You have to catch yourself thinking the thoughts that don't help you achieve your fulfillment. You have to catch those thoughts and replace them with thoughts that help you. Ok, that sounds pretty easy, but you have been thinking in patterns your whole life and the more you think in the same pattern the harder it is to break out of so let me help you with that. The Science of Neuro Linguistic Programming looks at this very process of thinking and shows you how to change it. You can instill patterns in your head that help you rather than hinder you. Here is a book that will show you how: Get it. You won't regret it. (I hope your mind isn't making up excuses right now for why you shouldn't get it.(It's too expensive, I don't like self-help books, The guy is just trying to sell me something. You can continue to think those same limiting patterns or you can change.Isn't changing your life the reason why you have come to this page? Let me give you a little bit more: I ahve another essay that can help you start to make a change in your life within the next five minutes without buying anything. Read that essay now |
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