Popular Tutorials

A Waterfall in a diorama
Actually pretty easy to make a great looking waterfall if you know the right tools and techniques. I have it right here: Make a waterfall in a diorama

Make a Shoebox Diorama
I have easy tutorials with different themes including dragon, space, rainforest, ocean and more Shoebox Diorama Tutorial is here 
How to Make a Diorama
(The Official Tutorial)
Dioramas are a great way to express creativity. You work through manys stages of the creative process. You conceptualize then design a scene then you work with the materials to make it a reality.-great tutorial that shows you how to make a diorama from start to finish. It walks you through all the steps and techniques.

How to Make miniature trees for dioramas and Model Railroads.
I show you the traditional method using Woodland Scenics materials and I show you some improvised methods using wire and materials found around the house. How to make miniature trees Will's Big Diorama Projects

The Wall Diorama

The Medieval Village

The Storm The Castle Diorama

The 300 Diorama
(Battle of Thermopylae)
Check out my book on how to make fantasy and medieval dioramas. I put all my best techniques and tricks in this book!
How to make Fantasy and Medieval Dioramas
The JFK Diorama of Dealey Plaza
I didn't want to take pictures of this diorama. It's not a pleasant thing but here it is. the FBI diorama used for understanding the assassination of JFK. The JFK diorama

The Virginia Diorama of a Native America settlement
I stopped at a rest stop/visitor center in Virginia to discover this wonderful diorama of a native settlement. It's well done. See it here

The Texas Transportation Diorama
I stopped at a rest stop/visitor center Texas to discover this fun and informative diorama about the history of transportation in Texas. See it here
The Maine Diorama (Lobsterman)
I stopped at a rest stop/visitor center in Maine to find this big, and interesting, diorama of a maine lobsterman. See it here
The Roswell UFO Dioramas
I visited the UFO Museum in Roswell New Mexico. And they have a couple of easy but fun UFO crash landing dioramas. I have pictures here.
Chevy Chase "Vacation" Diorama
A web visitor is working on a diorama that depicts a scene from the movie "Vacation". Fun diorama. Check it out here

A Templar and his Squire
This is a beautiful diorama that is simply laid out and designed. And, Luis uses some really clever techniques for making it -including using paper and glue for the ground work then sprinkling on charcoal and bits of wood. It's brilliant. You can improvise materials to make very realistic dioramas. Check it out here: A Templar and his Squire
 The Irish Spring Diorama in a box of soap
This is a clever little project where we make an Ireland scene inside a box of Irish Spring Soap. There is a lot of creative potential in this idea. You can have a lot of fun with all kinds of product boxes. In this one we make a good looking tree with brown paper and add a mushroom fairy ring. The Irish Spring Diorama in a box of soap

The Grand Canyon Diorama
I spent time at the Grand Canyon. And while there I found a beautiful diorama in one of the observation posts. Amazing, and accurate work here. Check out more pictures.

Montezuma's Castle Shadowbox Diorama
I took a trip to Arizona. While there I stopped at a place called Montezuma's Castle. It is a historic landmark. And at the site they had a wonderful shadowbox of the castle. See more here

Dioramas in Movies and TV shows
I was watching House of Cards and at one point the main character (Kevin Spacey) becomes obsessed with the civil war. And he starts to build his own diorama of a civil war scene. It is prominent in several episodes. Anyway, dioramas have been used as plot devices in lots of tv shows and movies. Here are some of them: Dioramas in movies and TV shows

New: Make Diorama Water with Elmer's Glue Gel -
No more concerns about getting specialized materials to make terrific water effects in a diorama. I use two Elmer's products to make a River, a Waterfall, a babbling stream and a lake. The diorama I make is Ponce de Leon and the Fountain of Youth.

Sunwest -Shadowbox
Excellent little shadowbox with some electrical effects. The sun is one of those little battery powered candles that flickers. the terrain is woodland scenics. Check it out here

Frank's tutorial on how to make rock-face walls easily
Excellent Frank has developed an easy process for making rock-face walls in dioramas. This is the process he uses in his dioramas. It is an easy four steps and you can learn how to do it here: How to make Rock-face walls.

Stephen's Action Figure Dioramas
Stephen has made a series of dioramas for action figures. He uses XPS foam and a variety of improvised materials to create some terrific dioramas. They show us how versatile XPS foam is for structure and for detail. Check them out here: Stephen's Action Figure Dioramas

The English Water Mill Diorama
Here is another great diorama made by Frank. This one has a great layout and a great look. And it has water effects. But the big thing about this one is that Frank has figured out a very inexpensive way to make great looking water in a diorama. Check it out here: The English Water Mill Diorama.

How to Make a Bonkei (Japanese Tray Landscape)
It is a distinct type of diorama and the traditional form of this art would display a realistic natural landscape. I take it to another level and create a fantasy landscape with a hero and a beast in a cave. How to Make a Bonkei tray landscape

New: Monster High Alchemy lab A web visitor modifies and decorates Monster High Dolls and has created a wonderful Alchemy lab diorama for them. She shows us some excellent techniques for making miniature things including an alchemy book and stained glass windows. The Monster High Alchemy Lab Diorama
Make a Dungeon Diorama with 3d Printed Miniatures I show you some great techniques for making a dungeon diorama which is also good for table top gaming. I also have some 3d printed minatures in this diorama. Make a Dungeon Diorama

Make a Peasants House in the Medieval Style I show you several very easy and good looking techniques for making medieval style buildings. the walls are foam board covered in grout. The roof is towel material! And the base is foam. Make a Medieval Style Peasant House

A Waterfall in a diorama Actually pretty easy to make a great looking waterfall if you know the right tools and techniques. I have it right here: Make a waterfall in a diorama

WW2 UFO Diorama This diorama is based on those underwater monster movies we enjoyed as a kid and in some cases as an adult.The German Austrian UFO Diorama

Guardians of the Deep
This diorama is based on those underwater monster movies we enjoyed as a kid and in some cases as an adult.Guardians of the Deep

Storm The Castle Diorama Part 10: Rebuilding the walls
I rebuilt a lot of the walls on the big diorama project. In this tutorial I show you how to do it and I show you some nice painting techniques for achieving the stone wall look. Storm The Castle Diorama Part 10

The 3-D Waterfall Shadowbox Diorama
This is a beautiful diorama depicting a walking bridge spanning over a waterfall and it has a three dimensional aspect in that it is bursting right out of the shadowbox. The 3d Waterfall Shadowbox Diorama

A Walk in the Park This is a hand made diorama depicting a forest warfare scene with a group of Portuguese soldiers. It is set in north-western Angola and the foliage is hand made. This is an award winning diorama and you can check it out right here. A walk in the park diorama

The Sexy Grave Robber and the Mummy This is a vignette style shadowbox with several rooms. It is hand made and built around a north star model of an Egyptian woman an a mummy. Some dramatic lighting has been added to give this diorama an amazing look. Check out this vignette diorama here
Bark at the Moon Wolf Shadowbox
Here is a shadowbox that combines a variety of different techniques. It has diorama making techniques and it also has a light (for the moon) and music by Ozzy. Bark at the Moon

Are you a spy or a peeping tom? The shadowbox Another wonderful dioram Sometimes a shadowbox or diorama is a miniature scene frozen in time. And sometimes it is also a puzzle to be carefully put together. Check out this shadowbox built by a web visitor (Luis) . Are you a spy or a peeping tom shadowbox

The Alps Another wonderful diorama in the form of a shadow box. This one is called "The Alps" And it is a nostalgic scene of an old automobile traveling one of those narrow roads in the Alps and going over a bridge : The Alps shadowbox diorama

How to Make Miniature trees from Household materials Miniature trees are expensive. But I have a nice alternative. You can make them with three materials: Brown paper, a kitchen sponge and glue. And they come out great. Make Miniature Trees

How to make snow in a diorama
How to make snow in a diorama Here is a great tutorial submitted by a web visitor. It shows you how to make realistic (and durable) snow from scratch.

Spring in the Alps Shadow Box Diorama
I love shadowboxes. They are so unique. Frank has made a wonderful one and you can check it out right here: Spring in the Alps

The Water Wheel Diorama
I love dioramas with water effects. And Frank has done an amazing job with this one. He used a lot of common materials to make it including the water and the waterfall. Check it out here.

Make a simple diorama This is a great project for kids. You need a small box, glue stick, scissors and a magazine. That's it. I show you how to make a simple diorama.

Diorama Trees I have a tutorial here that will teach you everyting you need to know about diorama trees including which ones you can buy, what types and how to make them. Diorama trees

What is electro-static flocking and how do you do it? It is a great way to make grass that actually stands up on the terrain just like real grass. I have a video tutorial showing you how to do it right here: Electrostatic Flocking

Space Diorama (Shoebox) You can make a fun Space diorama where the astronaut is floating in space. I give you all the artwork. And you don't even need a shoebox. I show you how to make one out of cardboard or foamboard. Make a Shoebox Space Diorama

Paper Dioramas (Tatebanko) Tatebanko is the ancient japanese art of paper diorama making. And we have lots of them! Many of them you can download, print and make yourself. Paper dioramas

Storm The Castle Diorama Part 7: Water Effects, Make the Moat The next installment of the massive castle siege diorama is done. In this part we add the moat around the castle. Storm The Castle Diorama Part 7

The French Cafe Diorama
Here is a hand made diorama of a street scene in Paris and a neat thing about this diorama is that the street lights actually light up. Check it out here: The French Cafe Diorama

20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Diorama This is another large and wonderful diorama placed in the window of a bookstore. It depicts various scenes from the Jules Verne book and it commemorates 187 years since his birthday. The 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Diorama

The Beginning & End Diorama A diorama is a moment frozen in time. That is the definition. But, is it possible to make a diorama of something frozen in two different moments of time? It sure is! This is what Glen has done. Check it out here: The Beginning & End Diorama

Make a diorama in a trick or treat bag Fun and creative project. How about putting a diorama inside your trick or treat bag. You have never seen this idea! Video is on my youtube channel right here.

The Gandhi Dioramas While on a trip to India I was roaming around the Gandhi Museum when I stumbled into a room full of dioramas depicting Gandhi's life. Wow, wonderful find. Learn more and see some pics here. The Gandhi Dioramas

Diorama Image Gallery I have put together an image gallery from many of the dioramas on this website. If you are looking for diorama ideas or just looking for interesting dioramas you can quickly look through this gallery of pictures and click on any image to take you to that tutorial. The Diorama Image Gallery

Water effects tips and techniques Here is a nice tutorial on water effects submitted by a web visitor (Cristi). He shows us step by step how to make some nice effects and also shows us some experiments and alternate techniques. Water effects tips and techniques

How to make your own terrain textures
It is easy to make great terrain for dioramas and wargaming. All you need is foam, a rasp and some paint. I show you how right here. Make terrain textures out of foam

New series of Tutorials I have just begun work on a medieval village. This is going to be quite an amazing diorama. I have a main page for that whole project and have completed the first tutorial in that series called How tto Make a Medieval Peasant's House . Go to the medieval village page

How to Make a Styrofoam Diorama
How to Make a Diorama out of styrofoam - A beautiful diorama submitted by a web visitor. She tells us her tips and techniques for making a diorama out of styrofoam.

Williamsburg Diorama This diorama depicts the British occupation of Williamsburg a week before the battle of Yorktown. The Williamsburg Diorama

A Night On Bald Mountain - A classical music diorama This is a diorama of a classical music piece as it is envisioned by Disney in Fantasia. A night on Bald Mountain Diorama

Hall of the Mountain King Diorama- A classical music diorama Here is a wonderful diorama based on the classical music piece and inspired by the cover art for the sheet music. In the Hall of the Mountain King Diorama

War of the Worlds diorama goes to the bookstore Making a diorama is the best thing about it. The second best thing is showing it to people. And getting your diorama into a public place gives a wonderful feeling. Well... Joseph's War of the Worlds diorama is now on display in the window of a bookstore. Check out the pictures here.

Smaug and Bilbo Diorama This is a spectacular diorama made by a web visitor (Giorgio). He shows us how he made the diorama. Oh and he hand sculpted the dragon too. He shows us step by step how he did that too. The Smaug Diorama

Make Miniature Coal for your Railroad Here is a neat little trick for making coal that was submitted by a web visitor (Theunis). Check it out here: Make miniature coal for your diorama or railroad.

Make a cheap and easy spray booth for painting your miniatures and models You just need a few basic supplies and a small computer fan and you are have yourself a nice little spray booth. This terrific project was submitted by a web visitor. How to make a cardboard Spray paint booth.

Make a Game of Thrones Diorama If you are a Game of Thrones fan you might want to check this project out too. It is a diorama of Castle Black and the Wall. And it has a working Elevator that goes up the wall. I have a video tutorial for this project too. Make a Game of Thrones Diorama

How to make miniature trees with around the house materials You just need a few supplies and you can make a very realistic looking miniature trees for dioramas, railroads and more. I made a little diorama just to show off the trees! Make Miniature Trees
Make a dragon egg diorama

Yup, we made a diorama inside a regular egg. But how about making one inside a dragon egg? Complete with castle being sieged. I show you how and how to make the egg too. Make a Diorama inside a dragon egg.
Make a diorama inside an egg

All you need is an egg and a few little details and you can make an interesting little project by building a scene inside the egg. The most challenging part is cutting the egg. I show you how: Make a diorama inside an egg.
How to make a Whirlpool diorama This is a wonderful little project made by a web visitor. It has a ship being pulled into a whirlpool. Easy and effective technique! How to make a whirlpool in a diorama.

Using old wooden picture frame to make a wonderful diorama base You can pick up some wonderful picture frames from the dollar store or used item store and turn them into some really elegant dioramas. Here glen shows us how to do it with a machine gun and mortar team. Picture frame diorama bases

Road and Ruined Temple - wonderful little diorama with an autumn theme and a pool with a fresco at the bottom. And of course it has the wonderful bricks that Charles makes. The Road and Ruined Temple Diorama

Storm The Castle Diorama (Besieged) The Storm The Castle Diorama is coming along nicely and the besieged castle is taking shape. This is a massive eight foot diorama. Check it out and learn how to make something like this right here. I have been working on it for a year!

The Moonbase Monorail is a fantasy
Here is a fun science fiction diorama on a pretty good scale. It was made by Joseph who has submitted some other wonderful dioramas. Check it out here: The Moonbase Monorail diorama

Iwo Jima
This is a fantastic little diorama of an ambush on Iwo Jima. John brilliantly uses Volcanic rock to make an impressive battlefield scene. Check it out here: Black Sand Hell: Ambush on Iwo Jima

Using Volcanic Rock in a battlefield diorama
I love using commonly found materials to make a diorama. Here is more of a look at the volcanic rock in the Iwo Jima diorama.

The London Bus Barnyard! Here is a nice tutorial submitted by a web visitor (Mark) He took an old Revell bus model, built it, weathered it and made it part of an old barnyard. He also shows us how to use salt as rust on vehicles. Great project. See how to do something like this right here: The London Bus Barnyard project

Make mountains out of craft paper! Yup, you would be surprised how easy it is to make terrain with thick paper. This tutorial was submitted by a web visitor (Frank) and my thanks go to him for the great tip.

Little Red Riding Hood Diorama - You have got to see this diorama. It was made by a web visitor. And she uses a lot of standard diorama making techniques like trees, terrain, rocks and waterfall. The Little Red Riding Hood Diorama.

Hobbits Outside the Trolls Cave A fun little diorama made by a web visitor. It depicts a scene from the hobbit. Check it out here.

Germans at Rest Diorama Here is a another diorama made by Glen. He captures a moment in time where: Germans are at Rest

Pepper's Ghost Box diorama
Here's a fun project that fuses science with diorama's. In this tutorial we utilize something called Pepper's Ghost Illusion originally created by John Henry Pepper. This illusion which was used in theater, projects a translucent version of a person or object several feet from a glass pane. Pepper's Ghost Box

The Sword in the Stone
Here's a fun tutorial based around The Sword in the Stone. It depicts Arthur pulling the sword from the stone. I show you how to make the diorama and how to sculpt the miniature Arthur: The Sword in the Stone Diorama

The Medieval Ruins This is a terrific little diorama made just about all out of foam. Brian shows us pics and tells us some of his techniques for making the medieval ruins diorama..

The Battle of Grunwald I love everything medieval and I love everything diorama. So, you can imagine how crazy I am about this medieval diorama. It is the Battle of Grunwald

Auburn Venus This diorama was inspired by the famous Boticelli painting of the Birth of Venus. It's a wonderful and creative idea. Auburn Venus.

War of the Worlds Here is a fun little science fiction diorama. Joseph tells us a little bit about how he made this. War of the Worlds

How to make terrain texture out of pencil shavings Yup, great way to turn pencil shavings into terrain of any color and consistency. How to make pencil shaving terrain

Make a Little Hobbit Diorama This is a neat little hobbit diorama that you can make with just a piece of foam. This is Bag End. You can improvise all kinds of terrain features for this. Make a Hobbit Diorama

Tall Grass in a diorama You can use an electrostatic tool to make tall grass that stands up. Its a great looking way to do grass in a diorama. I have the tutorial right here. Tall Grass Flocking in a diorama

Illusion Diorama A neat little diorama project that uses mirrors to trick the eye. Fun and easy. You look inside the peephole to see a scene that is two feet away. The Illusion Diorama 
Dinosaur Diorama in a television set This is a seriously fun diorama project that was submitted by a web vsitior. Make a diorama in a TV. Hows that for recycling!! Dinosaur Diorama in a TV

Japanese Castle Dioramas Here are pictures of two very elaborate dioramas of castles in Japan. I took these pictures while on a trip to Japan. Japanese Castle Dioramas

Diorama of a Dream A web visitor (John) had a dream and decided to build a diorama to show the dream. Pretty cool and this diorama definitely has a dream-like quality about it. Check it out here

3 Succubi Diorama I have This is a desktop sized diorama that you have just got to see. Definitely one of my favorites. If you are looking to do some kind of fantasy diorama you might want to take a look at this one. The 3 Succubi Diorama And Marshall has made some other terrific diorama projects that you also might want to take a look at including: Aerial Battlefield - Dragon on the Bridge - Roman Warship - Rocky Cliff Shadowbox - You can see them all here: Marshall's Dioramas

Make a Dolphin Diorama This is a beautiful diorama made and submitted by a web visitor. It uses some easy yet fantastic water effects. Check out the diorama and see how to make one here: The Dolphin Diorama

A Lord of the Rings Diorama (Battle of the Five Armies) Does it get any better than this! This is a lotr diorama made by a web vistior. Check out the pictures and more. LOTR Diorama

A Railroad Diorama Railroads, trains and tracks are just about the perfect subject for a diorama and this is one that was made by a web visitor (Swapnil) He improvised all the various terrain features. Swapnil's Railroad Diorama

WW1 Diorama I All I can say about this diorama is WOW! It isn't complete but it is coming along amazing. You have got to see the realistic looking terrain and trenches in this diorama. This diorama is being made by a web visitor (Christophe I.) Amazing WW1 Diorama

Insect Maker Diorama Here is a stunning diorama made by a guest artist (Alberto A.) It is called "Insect Maker" and Alberto calls his work "Visionary Chambers". In this tutorial he lays out how to preserve insects and other natural objects like plants and leaves to use them in your diorama. He also gives us some great tips on making miniature furniture and fabrics: The Insect Maker Diorama
Make an Egyptian Diorama : A tutorial with lots of options on how to make an egyptian diorama.

An amazing Boat Mill diorama - A Boat mill is a Mill that floats on a river. This is a terrific diorama with some amazing water work (submitted by a web visitor: Vic) See pictures of this diorama here: The Boat Mill Diorama

Vietnam Era Diorama - This is an amazing diorama of a vietnam scene. It has miniature soldiers and a group of excellent vehicles in 1/35 scale. It was made by Ron D. and my thanks go to him for submitting the pictures. Vietnam Diorama

Is it real or is it a diorama? Well, this is a diorama but it looks pretty real. I have more pictures of some amazing diorama buildings.

Colonial Times Diorama - This is an excellent diorama that shows you some great techniques like buildings, variety of landscape, water and more. (This diorama was submitted by Charles B.) The Colonial Times Diorama

Inexpensive way to make water in a diorama These pictures and this tutorial was submitted by a web visitor (Ryan) He gives us some tips on how to inexpensively make water in a diorama. He uses caulk and paint. And in this naval scene diorama he even adds the water spouts for dropped bombs! Water in a naval diorama
Make a Bio-Diorama. This is a living diorama with caterpillars and butterflies.StaIt is an interesting idea where part of the diorama is alive! In the case of this one our adventurer is lost in a cave and stumbles upon some enormous cocoons. They are real butterfly cocoons. The Bio Diorama Project
Various Diorama making tutorials -

How to make a WW2 Diorama
This is an in depth tutorial with videos on how to make a WW2 diorama. I use 1/72 Scale How to Make a WW2 Diorama

Some wonderful new Diorama buildings. I have discovered a company named Conflix that makes some terrific 1/72 scale stuff for dioramas and wargaming. Here are six different items for Medieval And Renaissance dioramas: Conflix Diorama Buildings I really like these buildings.
Tips on making outstanding Diorama Terrain and adding water effects . I take a look at a battlefield-like terrain and a riverbed terrain and point out some useful tips on getting it realistic looking. Tips on making realistic diorama terrain

WW2 Diorama Stuff I have started a whole new section on WW2 Models, miniatures and dioramas. This section is currently growing and it will feature a How to make a WW2 tank Battle diorama tutorial. WW2 Models, Miniatures, and Dioramas
Ramya's Indian Diorama
Here is a wonderful diorama submitted by a web visitor (Ramya). It depicts an Indian Village Mountain scene. Check it out right here.
Return of the Cursed Legion Diorama This diorama was made and submitted by a web visitor (Jeff). It is a game system and sometimes a game system is terrific just for the diorama! . Return of the cursed legion
Home Made Dinosaur Diorama This diorama was made and submitted by a web visitor. It is a good example of finding materials around the house and being creative! Pozdrav's Dinosaur Diorama
1/72 Diorama stuff You probably have seen that I have some really nice models and tutorials in the 1/72 scale. I do like this scale for several reasons. I have a tutorial that shows you some of the strong points (inexpensive) and some of the weak points of this scale. I also have ideas on dioramas you can make in this scale and resources to where you can buy stuff. About the 1/72 Scale Diorama

How to make a diorama out of Paper Mache Don't have the materials for a diorama? You can make one out of paper mache which is just flour and water. I show you how in this tutorial where I make a scene from the Lord of the Rings Castle Helms Deep. How to make a paper mache diorama

Make styrofoam diorama landscaping Here are some great pictures and tips on how to make professional looking diorama's using styrofoam. Styrofoam Diorama Making
WW2 is a great subject for diorama making and lots of people make dioramas in this period. Here is a series of pictures of a small WW2 Diorama that a web visitor has made. The visitor also has included some great tips on how he made this unique and creative diorama including a tree, water effects and some great tufts of grass How to Make a WW2 Diorama with tips, tricks and hints

Foam terrain for wargaming or dioramas New Tutorial on how to use foam to make wargaming terrain or a diorama. This tutorial, which includes a video, shows you types of foam, good and bad foam, the tools used, including regular tools and hot wire tools. And it shows you the process for making terrain from foam. The project shown here is completely made out of foam -castle and all. How to use foam to make wargaming terrain and dioramas

An Empty Diorama Box (downloadable) An Empty Diorama box that you can print up and assemble. Half the fun of a shoebox diorama is the shoebox. This is a complete download that you can print and assemble so you have your own fancy box. The Printable Diorama Box This is the box I use in the tatebanko castle diorama shown below.

Tatebanko: The Lost Japanese Art of Paper Dioramas - This is a wonderful way to make dioramas just with paper. I have a complete download of this tatebanko castle, pictures of a professional tatebanko and a download of the empty box if you want to fill it with your own diorama. Tatebanko Paper Dioramas

How to make realistic miniature trees- This tutorial (with a video) shows you how to make great looking miniature trees. The focus here is on using clay to sculpt the trunk. Make realistic Miniature trees

Interested in Miniatures?
Want to make them? Sculpt them? Paint them? I have a whole section devoted to the art of sculpting and painting miniatures. Miniatures -
D & D, Ral Partha and lots more. No diorama is complete unless it has some fantastic miniatures!

Make a spectacular Wall diorama for your miniatures
This is an on going project that takes you through the construction of a wonderful wall diorama How to make a Big Wall Diorama for your fantasy miniatures

Castle inside a lightbulb diorama
This is a creative little diorama that has a castle and a dragon right inside the lightbulb. I also show you how to add a tiny light to the tower of the castle and the easy way to hollow out the light bulb. Lightbulb Diorama

Make a Trench Warfare Diorama
This is a wonderful little trench warfare diorama submitted by a web visitor (Alika). I show you the diorama and also show you a tutorial on how to make trenches for your diorama. If you like Military Dioramas this is for you. Trench Warfare Diorama

How to sculpt fantasy miniatures:
This is an in- depth series of tutorial including videos that shows you how to sculpt fantasy miniatures and gives you the practice, techniques, skills, and tips needed to do a good job of it. How to Sculpt Fantasy Miniatures

How to use cork to make great looking rubble on your diorama
This is terrific for battle scenes, or broken down and run down towns and areas of your diorama. Cork is very useful and looks great. Here is the complete tutorial including painting tips and a video. Rubble Diorama

Make a cemetary Diorama
This is a nice spooky diorama with gravestones, a creepy fence and a small mausoleum. I show lots of tips on using everyday materials like popsicle sticks and toothpicks. I also have a video with this tutorial. Cemetary Diorama

How to make a Dinosaur Diorama - This is an active diorama - The meteor flashes across the sky and the volcano erupts. Easy to make and teaches about the theories of dinosaur extinction. Nice learning shoebox diorama. The Active Dinosaur Diorama

Wizard's Tower Diorama that I also made a video game of! This is a tutorial on using foam to make dioramas. Here is where the tutorial starts and here is the video that also shows about a minute of footage with me playing the video game. I have to get into the tower, get the fire staff, and slay the dragon.! Fun, multi-discipline project.
I used the motor from a ten dollar remote control car to automate the drawbridge. It goes up and down. Neat project and I show you how to do it. I also have a video that shows it in action. Motorizing a Diorama Tutorial

How to make rubber molds for your diorama How to make rubber molds for your diorama. A great way to make rocks, cliffs, cliff formations and castle walls. Easy to do with latex rubber. You just brush it on. How to make rubber molds

Castle Siege Diorama Project This is a terrific diorama project built and submitted by a web visitor (Krzysztof O.) My thanks to him for sending us these terrific pictures. The project includes a big castle with a main gate, a battering ram, a trebuchet and a mantlet. You can see pictures of this project here: The Castle Siege Diorama
How to make miniature trees for dioramas and model railroads How to make miniature trees for dioramas and model railroads. I show you the traditional way to do it and I show you some improvisations so you can make trees with materials found around the house. How to make miniature trees
How to make trenches in your diorama How to make trenches in your diorama. Particularly good for military and battle scene dioramas - Just plan ahead and build the structure around the trench. Video shows how to do it.

The Battle of Thermopylae (300) diorama the Battle of Thermopylae where the 300 Spartans made their last stand. I have also transformed it into a tutorial that shows all the basics of how to make a diorama. It is not complete yet but there is quite a bit of great diorama making information there. The Battle of Thermopylae Diorama

Ocean Diorama This is a unique little ocean diorama shaped like the porthole of a submarine and made out of a cookie tin. I have full instructions and artwork for you to print and make. Easy and fun project. A new take on the ocean diorama. Imagine looking out the porthole of your submarine and discovering Atlantis! Now you can. Ocean Diorama

Firefly Diorama This is a great little shoebox diorama that uses tiny blinking lights as fireflies. Battery operated and you can make it. See the project tutorial and the video of it in action Firefly Diorama

Here is a seven foot Diorama complete with castle, waterfall and working lights and sound. You can see more pictures of this diorama model here.

This model diorama is part of a free tutorial on how to make dioramas. It is complete from start to finish. It shows you how to design it, create the landscape shell, add the terrain and trees then add the miniatures. This tutorial has all the basic steps to making a model diorama. See the tutorial

Shoebox Diorama of a knight and dragon- See the tutorial on how to make this nice diorama of a knight battling a dragon. The dragon is suspended in mid-air. One of the unique things about this diorama is that the shoebox is in the vertical position. This tutorial has everything you need including all the art work that you can print and color. A fun project.
ShoeBox diorama of knight and dragon battle

ShadowBox diorama of a dungeon scene- This is a nice project that gets framed and hung on the wall. You can show off your miniatures in this shadowbox.
The Shadowbox tutorial

Painting Miniatures Tutorial: If you are making dioramas and you have miniatures, whether it be military miniatures, Dungeon and Dragon Miniatures or just Fantasy Miniatures you know that painting them is one of the most important parts of the process. I have put together a tutorial on how to paint miniatures. Miniature Painting
A couple of WW2 Dioramas submitted by a web visitor. Here are two videos with tips on making a WW2 trench like the one shown in the pic and a diorama with a Tiger tank. WW2 Diorama stuff

Here is a beautiful diorama of a christmas Holy land scene. This was submitted by a web visitor (Juanamie P.) Thanks Juanamie! Christmas Holy Land Diorama

A user submitted creative suggestion. Being creative when using materials to make landscapes. This diorama landscape came out superb. I have more pics and suggestions on being creative with your diorama making here. Creative Diorama Making

Here is a beautiful Wildlife diorama made and submitted by Heather D. My thanks to her for this great project. She gives us some great tips on how she made this including what products she used. Wildlife Diorama: Elephant at an Oasis.
Model Dioramas
Check out the Diorama and Miniature store

Want to take your diorama making to new heights of realism? I have put together a selection of materials you can buy from amazon.com. These are great materials that hobbyists use to make really life like dioramas. The trees you see here are one of the kits. They look real don't they?
Woodland scenics Trees and more at Amazon.com They have all the materials you could need.
Diorama making is an extremely rewarding hobby and if you are looking for a way to learn even more and expand your skills to new heights here are a couple of books on the art and craft of diorama making.
Will's Book on Diorama Making

How to Make Fantasy and Medieval Dioramas
This books shows you how to make fantasy and medieval dioramas using many commonly available tools and materials. There are over 100 pictures and illustrations showing you how to make great dioramas in fantasy and medieval styles. Chapters include basics, water effects, terrain tips and special effects like electricity and small motors. Tutorials include how to use foam, plaster of paris and paper mache to make great looking dioramas.