Jack and the beanstalk bio diorama - Neat project with Jack and the giant and I used a real beanstalk. I call this type of diorama a "Bio Diorama" because they have a live component to them Jack and the Beanstalk diorama

Hobbit Diorama Here is a neat little diorama made by Matthew. Its a hobbit diorama. See more pics here

Isis Rising Diorama Here is a great example of buying a few unique items and turning them into an interesting diorama. Check it out here: Isis Rising

A Diorama for a comic book
A diorama can be a terrific addition for the marketing of a comic book, or anything else for that matter. Check out this diorama as a companion to a comic book.

Egyptian Palace and Fantasy City
Here are two fun little dioramas with Polymer Clay figures that was submitted by a web visitor. Check it out here.

James Bond and Odd Job Diorama
Fun little diorama with lights, revived from an old Airfix kit. The James Bond Diorama

Volcano Diorama How about making an interactive diorama with a working volcano! Yup, this is exactly what Jeffrey has done. Check it out here: The volcano diorama

Desperate Allies Diorama German and American troops are forced to work together in a desperate attempt to fight off the onslaught of an undead army! A great blending of WW2 diorama and fantasy diorama! You have got to see this one! Desperate Allies

Stargate Diorama This is a terrific diorama made by a web visitor (Lee). He also gives us pictures and information about how to make a diorama like this. The Stargate Diorama

Dragonball-Z Diorama Here is a fun diorama you can make so a child can play with Dragonball Z Figures. The DragonBall Z diorama

WW2 is a great subject for diorama making and lots of people make dioramas in this period. Here is a series of pictures of a small WW2 Diorama that a web visitor has made. The visitor also has included some great tips on how he made this unique and creative diorama including a tree, water effects and some great tufts of grass How to Make a WW2 Diorama with tips, tricks and hints

The Dragon Queen Diorama Terrific little diorama submitted by a web visitor. (Eric). He tells us how he transformed various materials into this diorama including the glass wings. Dragon Queen Diorama

Gift Diorama
Making a diorama as a gift is a great idea. You can personalize the diorama to the recipient. Here is a terrific diorama made as a gift

Nemo and the Mermaid Diorama Nice diorama submitted by a web visitor (Marc) An underwater scene with Nemo and a mermaid. Wonderful thing about this is using a glass container as the enclosure. It simulates a fishbowl Nemo and the Mermaid

The Changing Tree Diorama I created this tree with some special effects that are different including smoke around the base and stars that light up in the background. I also made this diorama so that the tree could follow the seasons over the course of the year. The Changing Tree Diorama

A couple of WW2 Dioramas submitted by a web visitor. Here are two videos with tips on making a WW2 trench like the one shown in the pic and a diorama with a Tiger tank. WW2 Diorama stuff

An Amazing Lord of the Rings Diorama -with a Christmas Theme (Gandalf is Santa!) I absolutely love this diorama submitted by a web visitor. It is stunning and was 280 hours of work. If you are a fan of dioramas or of Lord of the rings you have got to check this diorama out. The Lord of the Rings Christmas Diorama

Make a Kids Castle Play Diorama I don't have a tutorial on how to do this yet but I do have some pictures of a nice kids castle diorama for kids to play with. Neat idea made by a web visitor> Kids Play Castle diorama

Tips on making outstanding diorama terrain. I take a look at a battlefield-like terrain and a riverbed terrain and point out some useful tips on getting it realistic looking. Tips on making realistic diorama terrain

I have started a whole new section on WW2 Models, miniatures and dioramas. This section is currently growing and it will feature a How to make a WW2 tank Battle diorama tutorial. WW2 Models, Miniatures, and Dioramas

How to make miniature trees for dioramas and model railroads. I show you the traditional way to do it and I show you some improvisations so you can make trees with materials found around the house. How to make miniature trees

A Golden Gate Bridge model and diorama
This is an amazing diorama and bridge that was built and submitted by a web visitor (David O.) He shows us a series of pictures and takes us through the steps of how he built it. This is a great example of how you can use common items like match sticks, beads, and popsicle sticks to create a realistic bridge and diorama. David's Golden Gate Bridge Model

A Rock Climbing Diorama
This is a terrific tutorial on how to make a rock climbing diorama. It has 1/100 scale climbers, a river with a bridge and of course a very nice rock that is being climbed. This tutorial was submitted by a web visitor (Christophe) My thanks to him. See how he made this diorama and look at some terrific pictures of the final project. How to make a rock climbing diorama

A ruined Roman Bath
Here is another diorama made and submitted by Charles B. It is of a Roman Bath and it is unique in several ways including the hand made bricks and the unique round shape of the diorama. You can see more pictures and learn about it here: Roman Bath Diorama

A ruined Roman building and street
This is beautiful and very realistic looking diorama that was made and submitted by a web visitor (Charles B.) He based this on his travel to Rome and his observations of buildings and streets in Rome and Pompeii. He also has a terrific tutorial for making realistic looking miniature bricks. Diorama of a ruined Roman Building and street

Here is a terrific diorama submitted by a web visitor (Chip F.) It is a famous scene from one of the Star Wars movies. Chip used some great techniques to make this diorama including using Sculpey to make the awesome and realistic tree stump. Learn more and see the pics here. A Swamp Diorama

Make a Unique Solar System Diorama. The Diorama is in the shape of a telescope (Just a shipping tube) and you look inside the telescope to see the planets by either looking in the eyepiece or by taking the cover off. Neat little diorama that is really unique yet easy to make. Make a Solar System Diorama

Enchanted Wisdom diorama Nice little diorama submitted by a web visitor. Everthing is hand made. The creator tells us what materials she used to make this simple yet attractive scene. Proves you don't have to get really complex to make a nice single figure diorama. Enchanted Wisdom diorama

An Action figure Diorama (IronMan) Create a diorama for your action figures! The IronMan Diorama

Make a foam based diorama with a river
This is a great diorama submitted by a web visitor. It shows all the steps taken to make this wonderful scene from the past on the Mississippi River. The Diorama
How to make a bonfire
This is a really ingenious tutorial on how to make a realistic looking bonfire.

Make a Diorama inside a Geode A Geode is a rock that is hollow inside. I show you how to make the hollow rock then how to put a little diorama inside it. I create a scene from the animated film "Tangled" It is Rapunzel's Tower. Make a Diorama inside a geode

Make miniature trees with electrostatic flocking
Neat little way to use an electrostatic flocker to make interesting trees. Make Electrostatic flocking trees

New Project: I used the motor from a ten dollar remote control car to automate the drawbridge. It goes up and down. Neat project and I show you how to do it. I also have a video that shows it in action. Motorizing a Diorama Tutorial

Check out these dioramas submitted by a visitor to the website. They are a great example of creative use of materials.
A Thousand and One Nights

Here is a scratch built diorama of a covered bridge. This project was built and submitted by a web visitor (David O.) It shows some great uses of popsicle sticks and in particular is the thatched roof and the old fashioned wooden fence. Thanks Dave! See more pics and get tips here: Covered Bridge Diorama

A guest artist has combines his love of painting with the art of Diorama making. He has put together a nice tutorial on how to take a painting and transform it into a shadowbox style diorama. But this isn't as far as he goes. He also shows us some really nice trick of the eye techniques for making the diorama extra special Dioramas from your paintings

Some tips on building a diorama like this awesome halo diorama. This isn't my diorama. Somebody asked me for tips on how to build one like this. I lay out some solid help that shows how to make the base using sculpting foam. Nice looking diorama and really sets a great scene. Here is the tutorial on how to do something like this
Silent Hill: Reflections of Triangle Head
The video game is very mood inducing and spooky. How do you convey this in a diorama? Mirrors are perfect for this Pyramid Head diorama. Check it out here
Roman Bath House Diorama
This is a nice little tutorial made by Lawrence. Check it out here
Model Dioramas
Check out the Diorama and Miniature store

Want to take your diorama making to new heights of realism? I have put together a selection of materials you can buy from amazon.com. These are great materials that hobbyists use to make really life like dioramas. The trees you see here are one of the kits. They look real don't they?
Woodland scenics Trees and more at Amazon.com They have all the materials you could need.

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