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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
Here is a quick and easy tutorial with a video that shows you the process of how honey is removed from a beehive. This process is called extraction and there are a lot of different ways to do it but this is the standard way. |
It is amazing how much honey you can get from a single hive. For this video I simply used three frames and I got quite a bit of honey. Here is an overview of the process: Step 1: Remove a full frame of honey from the hive. Step 2; Brush off the Bees. Step 3: Using a hot knife or an uncapping knife remove the tops of the comb rightoff the frame. You just want to remove as little wax as possible to open up the hexagonal shaped comb and all the honey it contains. You can use a large serrated knife and dip it in very hot water for this. They do sell uncapping hot knives too.
The Backyard Beekeeper , now revised and expanded, makes the time-honored and complex tradition of beekeeping an enjoyable and accessible backyard pastime that will appeal to gardeners, crafters, and cooks everywhere. This expanded edition gives you even more information on "greening" your beekeeping with sustainable practices, pesticide-resistant bees, and urban and suburban beekeeping. More than a guide to beekeeping, it is a handbook for harvesting the products of a beehive and a honey cookbook--all in one lively, beautifully illustrated reference. This complete honey bee resource contains general information on bees; a how-to guide to the art of bee keeping and how to set up, care for, and harvest honey from your own colonies; as well as tons of bee-related facts and projects. You'll learn the best place to locate your new bee colonies for their safety and yours, and you'll study the best organic and nontoxic ways to care for your bees, from providing fresh water and protection from the elements to keeping them healthy, happy, and productive. Recipes of delicious treats, and instructions on how to use honey and beeswax to make candles and beauty treatments are also included.