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Meaderies of the World
When I first started making Mead I am pretty sure there were no actual Meaderies in the United States. There were some overseas, in Europe and other countries. But Mead here was too specialized.
There were however some wineries that also made mead.
Nowadays, all these years later, and with the advent of the craft brewing revolution there are lots of small meaderies. Yay! And becuase of the internet you can buy mead from a whole lot of them. |
I also have an interactive google map that shows you the location of meaderies in the US. Might want to check that out! The Mead Map
If you are involved with a meadery or know about one that is not on my list be sure to tell me about it! My contact email is:
Meaderies in the United States (listed alphabetically)
- Algomah Acrews Honey House Meadery - Michigan
- Bee D'Vine Meadery - California
- Bee Well Meadery - Michigan
- Bees Brothers Meadery - New Mexico
- Big Lost Meadery - Gillette, Wyoming
- BlackSnake Meadery - Virginia
- Bos Meadery - Wisconsin
- Brix Urban Winery and Market -
Sainte Genevieve, MO 63670 - They specialize in original small batch mead (honey wine) and fruit wines that are made & bottled on site.
- Celestial Meads - Alaska
- Charm City Mead Works - Maryland
- Chateau Lorane - Oregon
- Chaucer's Wine - California
- Colorado Honey Wine Company - Colorado
- Crafted Artisan Meadery - Ohio
- Dancing Bee Meadery - Texas
- Earle Estates Meadery - New York
- Fire Cirkl Mead - Their brewery is in S. Oregon in a location referred to as Sam's Valley. They are possibly the only organic brewers of braggot in Oregon. Here is what they have to say about their mead: We brew Braggots which is a style of Mead We have two Braggots that are on the store shelves, Dragon's Blood and Naughty Heather. Our Dragon's Blood resembles a robust porter fermented with wine yeast, carmelly sweet with a hint of juniper berries. The Naughty Heather resembles a red ale, brewed without hops but with heather tips and flowers. Both are very popular.
- Four Quarters Meadery - Pennslyvania
- Fox Hill Meadery - North Carolina
- Golden Coast Mead - California
- Griffin Meadery - Texas
- Havoc Meadery - Vermont
- Heidrun Meadery - California
- Helderberg Meadworks - New York
- Hidden Legend Winery - 6 types of Mead, located in Montana and ship to several different states. (Note that their repertoire has increased and they carry more than six types now!)
- Hierophant Meadery - Washington State
- HoneyGirl Meadery - North Carolina
- HoneyMaker Meadery - Maine
- Honeyrun Winery - California
- Honeywine.com - Texas
- Hunters Moon Meadery - Colorado
- Jhelbare Wines - Ohio
- Kookoolan World Meadery - Oregon
- Laurel Highlands Meadery - Located in Pennsylvania, they have a variety of interesting meads including a chocolate, a traditional, a maple and a triple berry.
- Long Island Meadery - New Jersey
- Meadery of the Rockies - Colorado
- Melovino Meadery - New Jersey
- Meridian Hive Meadery - Texas
- Monks Mead - Georgia
- Moonstruck Meadery - Nebraska
- Munro Honey and Meadery - Canada
- Nectar Creek Mead - Oregon
- New Day Meadery - Indiana
- Prairie Rose Meadery - North Dakota
- Rabbits Foot Meadery - California
- Redstone Meadery - Colorado
- Ring of Fire Meadery - Alaska
- Royal Meadery - New York
- Sky River Meadery - Washington State
- St. Ambrose Cellars - Located in Michigan. Looks like some great mead. They currently ship to Washington DC. Michigan and Minnesota. (this list of states will probably expand over time) They raise their own bees which is always a great thing when it comes to mead making!
- Starrlight Meadery - North Carolina
- The Hive Winery - Utah
- Trazo Meadery - Adams Tennessee
- Volcano Winery in Hawaii - They carry a variety of wines but also have a macadamia nut honey wine that looks very promising. You can order online.
- The Wandering Bard - Greenville, SC - Tasting room, meads, melomels, shipping, local sales, classes and more.
- White Winter Winery - Wisconsin
- Zen Bee Meadery - Columbus Ohio - They make a variety of session meads that can be purchased online or in their shop.
International Meaderies