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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
Stratification is the technical term for when the honey and water in your must separate into distinct layers. This can happen when you first make up the batch. I have included a picture to show you what I mean by this. (My thanks to Marshall for the pic) This can happen for a number of different reasons including too much honey. Most commonly it is caused by not mixing it all vigorously enough before you pitch the yeast.
Now, It is quite likely that your mead will still be fine becase the yeast should metabolize all the honey anyway but there is a risk of the ferment stalling so what you want to do is shake it up! Yup, cork it and shake it vigorously. The yeast should be quite ok. they won't be damaged by the shaking.
The best thing to do about stratification is to avoid it before it begins. Be sure to shake up your mead very well. If you can't stop it from stratifying you can add more water to bring the water/honey ratio down. I like to heat my honey and water before I pitch anything into it. This causes it to be nice and homogenous.
If you want to be cautious with your mead you can sanitize a new jug. Siphon off about half of the liquid into that new jug and shake the heck out of it! Then just siphon it back it. Works like a charm and here is a picture of the batch above after this has been done.
I found a whole bunch of wonderful drinking goblets on amazon. I have a page with them right here. Just a couple of years ago you couldn't get a goblet, or mead! It is great to see both are becoming very popular. Mead Goblets
Make a peach or pineapple fruit mead
If you have always wanted to make a fruit mead (melomel) you might want to check this tutorial out. I take you through the whole process from start to finish including bottling. Make a Peach or Pineapple Melomel