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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
Here is an introductory video to mead. It explains what it is and how it is made. If you are new to mead this is a great place to start. This video is part of my youtube series of videos. I currently have a whole lot of vids on mead making including clarifying, bottling, racking, making fruit meads and more right here : Mead Making Videos
Mead Available on Amazon.comAmazon now has a whole department of wines and meads Right here: Mead Department on Amazon
My latest ebooklet: How to Make a Fruit Mead (melomel). Making Honey wine with the addition of fruits is the pinnacle of spectacular mead. You can use cherries, pears, pomegranate, apples, peaches, blackberries, blueberries and just about anything else. In this 21 page ebooklet I take you through the whole process and show you how to do it by doing it myself. Lots of pictures and full explanations of what you do and everything you need. If you always wanted to make a fruit mead this is the booklet for you: How to make a Fruit Mead Melomel
If you have never made mead and would like to give it a try very inexpensively this is a terrific setup. Very inexpensive and Prime shipping too. You get a gallon glass carboy an airlock and the rubber stopper. I love this setup. Fermenter including Rubber stopper and Airlock You can have a batch of mead going the day this arrives.