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Creating Figures and Models for your Games
What software do you need to make models and Characters for your games?
There are two major programs that you should use for 3D modeling: 3D Studio Max (www.autodesk.com) and Maya (www.alias.com) They are both very expensive but Maya has a special free download for students and learning. Check out the Maya download.
Another big player in this field is Lightwave 3D.It is also an expensive program.
The book 2d Artwork and 3d Modeling for game programmers using a program called TrueSpace.
If you want to just get your feet wet on something simpler you might want to try a program called Milkshape3D (www.milkshape3d.com). Its a good 3d Modeling program that is predominantly used for Quake and Half life and Unreal. They have a free 30 day trial download.
My New tutorial on making models for video games

I have created a tutorial that takes you through all the beginner steps to making a model for a video game using Milkshape. Lots of pics and easy to understand tutorial that gives you all the basics. The Milkshape Tutorial
Books on 3D Modeling |
Creating Game Art for 3D Engines (Game Development)
Learn how to create commercial-quality game art and make it come alive in a 3D engine! "Creating Game Art for 3D Engines" is the ideal guide for the serious student or aspiring animator who wants to learn how to create and successfully export game art, from simple shapes to full-blown characters. Using Autodesk® 3ds Max® to generate models and animations, and Torque as the 3D game engine, the book provides step-by-step instructions on how to model, unwrap, texture, rig, export, and script all of the essential art assets required for a game. Unlike other books that cover only art creation, Creating Game Art for 3D Engines teaches you how to create art specifically with the game engine in mind. All of the principles and techniques are universal and can be applied to any 3D software or game engine. Get ready to make your game ideas a reality! On the CD: -Sample characters and weapons -Sample pickups and script files -Screen captured movie tutorials -Trial version of the Torque Game Engine 
This book also comes with over 90 minutes of instructional video on a companion CD. Check out the book's website here to learn more Highly recommended book by Will |
2D Artwork and 3D Modeling for Game Artists |
Modeling a Character in 3DS Max |
Stop Staring: Facial Modeling and Animation Done Right |
You want 3d modeling software that is totally free with no strings attached?
You just want to learn about 3d modeling without dishing out any bucks. Well you are in luck. Theres Blender3D (www.blender3d.com).Go to the website. You can download the software and they have documentation and tutorials and more.
The Official Blender 2.3 Guide: Free 3D Creation Suite for Modeling, Animation, and Rendering
The Official Blender Gamekit: Interactive 3D for Artists |

Amazon.com has lots of great books on programming video games. Check it out. This link will take you directly to their section on Programming.Books on Programming
Amazon.com Best selling books on Game Develoment. Go directly to the list of top sellers.Top Selling Game Development Books
MY AMAZON GUIDE TO MAKING VIDEO GAMES If you want to browse through a great selection of video game design/programming books you should check out the selection at Amazon.com. I have written out a My Amazon Guide to Making Video Games