Classical Guitar Sheet Music - 9 Beginner Pieces
Moonlight Sonata, Op. 27, No. 2 (Complete) (A Belwin Classic Edition) - If you are a real beginner and would like to play an easy song that sounds great this is the first piece you should consider. It sounds absolutely beautiful in a haunting kind of way and it is a nice slow piece so you will be able to master it with little trouble. This is a great first classical guitar piece.
Allegro by Mozart - Another very easy piece to play and it sounds great. It has more of an early classical music feel to it. You will have heard this piece before and it won't take you long to learn this.
Canon in D Guitar Solo (Guitar Sheet Music) This is a gorgeous piece for beginners. It is very famous and sounds wonderful. it just has a beautiful harmony and melody. If you are looking for a piece of sheet music thats not too hard to play and sounds perfect for the classical guitar this is a good one.
Progressive Popular Classics of the Great Composers Vol 4 (Emperor Waltz; Claire de Lune; Sugar Plum Fairy; et. al.) Here is another great piece for the beginning classical guitarist. The best way to describe this is "Pretty". It is just a pretty piece and no doubt you have heard it before.
Fur Elise For Classical Guitar - Awesome sounding piece, this is one of my favorites and if you are new to classical guitar or classical music I guarantee you that this piece will be familiar to you - It is almost as famous as Beethoven's fifth.
5 Preludes - No. 1 in e Minor by Matteo Carcassi - Very easy piece to learn and sounds great because of the minor key. Great first or second piece to learn and right out of the Carcassi Method for classical guitar.
Espanoletta by Gaspar Sanz Very easy piece to learn and it sounds great. It has this great feeling of being spanish and also being from the early classical period - quite unique and kind of sounds like something Mozart would have written while on vacation in Spain!. Good addition to a repertoire.
Tarrega's Adelita - Absolutely beautiful piece and easy to learn. (I also have a free pdf you can download of Adelita. It is right here: Adelita
Spanish Romance [Sheet Music] Arranged for Guitar By Sophocles Papas - great sounding piece and a staple of every classical guitarist.
Classical Guitar Sheet Music - 8 Intermediate or advanced beginner
The Four Seasons - Spring by Vivaldi This is a great piece and very famous. I have heard it at least a hundred times in tv shows or movies and it plays on classical radio stations all the time. Give this piece a listen and you will recognize it. It isn't too hard of a classical gutar piece to play but it is a bit fast so I have put it in the advanced beginner section.
Bourree by Bach If you are looking for classical guitar sheet music that has that old renaissance feel to it then this is a perfect choice. It was originally composed for the Lute so it has that "in the kings court" feel to it. Not too hard to play but also moves a bit fast like the four seasons piece.
Ave Maria - (Schubert) This piece is a bit more of a challenge, it is played further down the fretboard and is a little bit involved and takes a bit of work with the right hand. This is a piece for an intermediate player.
Tarrega - Lagrima and Adelita
Green Sleeves Guitar Solo (Guitar Sheet Music) -Anonymous - this is quite possibly the single most famous guitar piece. Everybody has heard this piece and it is a staple of every classical guitarist because it just sounds so good and so renaissance! This particular transcription is really nice in that the melody is carried in the base notes and the treble notes add flavor. This piece is not that hard to play but reading the music takes a bit of time because it is in 6/8 and there are a lot of 16th notes. But once you get the feel of it you will glide right through this piece.
The Tarrega Collection - Outstanding pieces including Adelita, Capricho Arabe and Recuerdos de la Alhambra
Etude 4 from 12 Etudes for the guitar by Fernando Sor - This is a right hand challenge and a solid intermediate piece. It is easy to read but you have to practice the right hand picking a lot to get it to sound smooth. If you want something that will develop smooth right hand picking this is a good piece.
Etude Number 8, No 60 by Matteo Carcassi - This is one of the happiest piecest and the most fun you can have with the classical guitar. This piece will make anybody crack a big smile. It is just a joy to play. Give it a listen. (Here is the sheet music for the complete opus 60 with all 25 etudes)
Albeniz Suite Espagnole: 5. Asturias (Leyenda): Instantly download and print sheet music - This is an absolutely awesome guitar piece. You have got to listen to it and learn it. If you are an intermediate guitarist this is a must for your collection. Musicnotesdoesn't currently have a sample midi piece for you to listen to but I have a sample I play that you can hear right here: Leyenda This piece is really worth the effort. When you have mastered this piece you can be proud because it just sounds fantastic.
Classical Guitar Sheet Music - Contemporary Music
Stairway to Heaven - Beautiful piece and for the intermediate player. Very few rock songs translate this beautifully onto the classical guitar. This piece is well worth the effort especially if your friends and audience are more into pop and rock music. Everyone will know this piece. Listen to me play a portion of this: Stairway to Heaven - (mp3 1 min 57 secs 1.9meg)
The Classical Guitar Compendium: Classical Masterpieces Arranged for Solo Guitar
Bring the world of classical music to guitarists of all levels! This collection features classical guitar technical studies from Sor, Tarrega, Guiliani, Carcassi, and Aguado, as well as presenting fresh guitar arrangements of well-known classical masterpieces. Repertoire compositions are included from the likes of Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Chopin, Debussy, Faure, Massenet, Mozart, Pachelbel, Ravel, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Wagner and more. Two CDs are also included with guitar solo performances by the author.

The Beatles for Classical Guitar
(Guitar Solo). 31 of the Beatles' best arranged for solo classical guitar in standard notation and tablature. Includes: Across the Universe * Blackbird * Eleanor Rigby * The Fool on the Hill * Hey Jude * Michelle * Norwegian Wood * Something * Yesterday * and more.