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Forge Stuff

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Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me Will


You are on the main page of the blacksmithing section so this is where you can come to check in on new tutorials, videos and projects.


"Of the four elements, air, earth, water, and fire
man stole only one from the gods. Fire. And
with it, man forged his will upon the world."


And from the tents, the armourers accomplishing the knights
with busy hammers closing rivets up gives dreadful note of preparation...

William Shakespeare
Henry V

The anvil of justice is planted firm, and fate who makes the s word does the forging in advance.


Quick Guide to Popular projects:
Making a knife by stock removal
- How to forge a knife - How to Make a sword
How to make a backyard forge - How to make charcoal - Steels for knives and swords -
How to cheaply get started with some blacksmithing

Free Knife Templates

Blacksmithing for beginners book

Get Will's Blacksmithing book - 48 pages of blacksmithing expertise that answers all your questions and gets you blacksmithing. Always dreamed of doing it? Let Will help you get forging! Will's Blacksmithing book





Tutorial on Knifemaking - This tutorial is complete. It shows you how to make a real knife without all the forging! You just need some basic tools. making a knife using the stock removal method.




Hand made sword

New Sword Making Tutorial - I take you through the whole process of making a sword. And this one is a good sized sword! Really beefy and feels good in the hands. How to Make a sword




Texaloy foundry pouring molten metalInside a Texas foundry !

I Got a mini tour inside a foundry where they were pouring some molten metals. It was pretty cool. Well... it was pretty hot! Check out some pictures here: Texaloy Foundry (I also have a video of them pouring the molten metal)




Wrought iron railingBlacksmith ironwork in a medieval castle!

I visited an authentic medieval italian castle here in America. It is the crown jewel of a winery estate and the owner made sure even the ironwork was authentic. Check out pictures of the ironwork at the castle.


Got a new forge! (The Tiger)

I am a traditionalist. I love coal forges but I got to say that a propane forge has it's benefits. And a propane forge is a terrific for knife making. See more about the new forge and watch a video too. The New Forge yay! (I call this forge "The Tiger" because it really growls!


mini forgeNeed a forge? Want to get started in blacksmithing? Video and more about the new forge I bought cheap on amazon

I bought it cheap on amazon and clamped it right to the top of an anvil, it's fast, easy, and effective. Watch a video and get a link to check it out on amazon. If you have been thinking about getting into blacksmithing this is an easy way to get started. The Mini Forge


If you would like a hand-forged nail sword that Will makes in the video they are now available in his etsy shop here: Will's Etsy shop






New: The Paper Blacksmith Shop

This project is available to my Patrons as a thankyou for supporting me. It is completely designed by me. Patrons can download it, print it, and put it together. Learn more about this blacksmith shop and how to become a patron right here ( Note that you can also purchase the kit if you prefer; through paypal or etsy.)


Lego medieval Blacksmith

I spotted this on Amazon and thought you might like it. It is a lego blacksmith. It is designed for adults with a lot of authentic details. Check it out on Amazon here



Forge a Flaming arrow tip-

This is a complete tutorial showing you step-by-step how too blacksmith up a flaming arrow tip. Based on a real arrow tip seen in a museum. How to Forge a flaming arrow tip



Blacksmith a coin - It's a fun and unique project. I take you through the whole process from concept to striking the coins in the forge and on the anvil. Blacksmith a coin



New: Will reviews this classic blacksmithing book that has been republished. It's a great book for learning how to blacksmith. Read Will's review here





The Riddle of Steel - It is a phrase made famous by Conan the Barbarian. And there is something profound in it. What does the riddle of steel mean to a blacksmith. Read Will's insight into The Riddle of Steel.


Will Travels Medieval America -

Will is on a quest to build a castle. And as part of this he has embarked on an adventure across America visiting castles, blacksmiths, meaderies, museums and all sorts of medieval places. You can follow along on the adventure! Yes, there are castles in America and Will is visiting them!! Check it out here: Medieval America


The single most important thing you should know about knifemaking - When thinking about knife making we often think about the size, shape, look and aesthetics of the knife or maybe the type of steel. But there is something that is so much more important than all those things. I explain it here.


How to Make a Sword - I take you through the whole process of making a sword. And this one is a good sized sword! Really beefy and feels good in the hands. How to Make a sword - It also comes with a detailed step-by-step youtube video.

Some basic tools for bladesmithing - Oliver is a bladesmith and a regular contributor to this website. If you are interested in bladesmithing you might want to check out his basic tools for bladesmithing! He shows us the tools and explains how they are used.

A Bladesmithing Ground Forge and Bellows Box - Oliver has custo built a ground forge for bladesmithing and added a hand operated bellows box. He tells us about it, with included pictures right here: The Ground Forge and Bellows Box


New Article: What is Annealing/Normalizing?

Should you do it before making and knife, and if yes then how do you do it?

New Article: An excerpt about blacksmithing from a book published in 1910. The book is entitled "Design in Theory and Practice".


How to make a simple yet effective Blacksmithing Forge (The lawn mower forge -lawnmower not needed). I show you how to make a forge. This includes the concepts of how a forge works and how to make it. This is the forge that I use in all these tutorials and videos.





Damascus steelWhoa! I found this Damascus knife blank on - If you always wanted to make a damascus knife but didn't want to make the Damascus steel yourself this is the perfect opportunity. You can get the same piece of Damascus that I used on amazon right here: Damascus Knife Making

I also have two videos on making a knife with a billet of Damascus steel right here


New: Will visits Dragon's Head Forge in Ohio

In the picture you see Vincent Krava. He is the owner of Dragon's Head Forge. He was kind enough to host me for the day at his forge. We talk about blacksmithing and he shows us how to make a beautiful Pineapple Twist (video included) . Dragon's Head Forge


The Blacksmith of Trenton

James Monroe, the 5th president, was in office when this shop opened up in 1823. And it has been in continuous operation ever since. Will stopped in for two days to shoot video and talk with the blacksmiths. And they have a couple of tutorials for us. Check it all out right here: The Blacksmith of Trenton


The sizes of coal

The definition of sizes does vary a bit by company and over the past century. But I found a display of coal sizes at the Anthracite Heritage museum in Pennsylvania. Includes pics and measurements. The sizes of coal




Thumb of the Scranton Iron FurnacesThe Scranton Iron Furnaces

They were a major supplier of iron for the railroad industry and you have never seen furnaces this large! Now a historic site and park. The Scranton Iron Furnaces.



Will visits Thak Ironworks in Canada

Want to make your own bottle opener? I have a tutorial for you right here. And it is a great tutorial for beginners because you will learn several common blacksmithing techniques like hot cutting and twisting. Thak Ironworks


New Tutorial:

How to forge a handy Bottle opener

Want to make your own bottle opener? I have a tutorial for you right here. And it is a great tutorial for beginners because you will learn several common blacksmithing techniques like hot cutting and twisting. How to Forge a Bottle Opener.


Do you recognize this mystery tool?

This tool was found in the ground near water. What kind of tool is it? See larger pictures here. The Mystery tool - Maybe you can identify it.




How about this Anvil? Can you identify it?

Grovetucky sent me pics of an anvil he acquired. Check out some pictures here. Maybe you can tell us more about it!




Coal vs Lump Charcoal

You have options for your forge when it comes to fuel. I show you two different fuels and actually show you how they burn in the forge: Coal vs Lump Charcoal for Forging.


Thumbnail of the blacksmithing shop

Check out the new blacksmithing shop

It's a nice shaded area with a roof and electricity. It is very neat and it makes a very big difference in my blacksmithing. Learn more about it and why it helps here. Have you ever heard of the work triangle? The New blacksmithing Shop


Sword forge How to Make a Sword Forge

When making a sword you don't need a forge or anvil. But, you run into the problem of how to harden and temper the blade? You need to heat the whole blade at the same time. And you can do this with a sword forge. In this tutorial I show you why and I take you through the easy making of a forge like this. And I have included a video. How to Make a Sword forge


Swordmaking: It's all about the steel

You have probably heard the term "high carbon steel". Are you interested in knowing exactly what it means? And seeing as there is high carbon steel there is of course a low carbon steel. There is even one right between the two. In this tutorial I explain to you what that all means and how it affects sword making. And of course I have a video too. Swordmaking: It's all about the steel


a Real Sword

How to Make a Real Sword - I take you through the whole process of making a sword. And this one is a good sized sword! Really beefy and feels good in the hands. How to Make a sword



Want to get started in blacksmithing? My videos and tutorials can help!

Max has been following my youtube channel and my blacksmithing tutorials. And it inspired him to do some smithing! Here I have a page of some of his work. It has a great variety from blades to axes, furniture and more. Blacksmithing by Max


Artist Blacksmith sculpture

Book Review

The role of the blacksmith is more than just shoeing horses and making swords. This book introduces you to the artistic aspect of blacksmithing. It is an interesting look at the possibilities. Read my review here


ChainmailHow to make chainmail: This is a tutorial that shows you step-by-step how to make chain mail. I show you which wire to use, how to create the rings and how to weave the actual mail. How to make chainmail. I will also be doing a tutorial on how to make a piece of chainmail armor.



Want to wind your chainmail links faster, easier and more reliably? a web visitor (Sander) has designed a made a neat little tool that will help. It is a piece of wood, a washer and three screws and it help you wind the links. Make a chainmail winding tool



Blacksmithing book

Free Public Domain Books about Armour

These books, (mostly pdf's) are expired past their copyright and now in the public domain. But seeing as they are about medieval armor they are still very relevant and useful. Some neat stuff here and a great look at the past that is looking at the even further past! Check them out right here: Books on Armour




Whaling harpoons Blacksmithing, Whaling, and Ship Building

I took a trip to a local marine museum. The centerpiece is all the various types of ships there have been over the past few centuries. But we often don't think of how important the blacksmith's role was when it came to these sailing ships of the past. See some pics and read more about it here: Blacksmithing, Whaling, and Ship Building



What kind of things did a blacksmith do in the Middle Ages?

We all have an image of a blacksmith making swords all day right? Well.. not really true. A blacksmith did a whole lot of different things. This display from Prudhoe Castle Shows you the wide variety of things a blacksmith made and repaired. Of course it did include weapons. Blacksmithed items from Prudhoe Castle



Blacksmithing bookReview of a 101 year old blacksmithing book (1916)

Blacksmiths were a very important part of life back then. They did a lot more than we think. A lot of the techniques, tools and tricks we use now remain unchanged. But a few things have definitely changed. Read my review and article about this book right here (And I have the book for you in a free pdf)




Damascus steel knifeMake a Damascus Steel Knife

Damascus steel is challenging to make. But you don't have to make it for a knife. You can buy a blank and make a knife with it. I show you how in this tutorial: Make a Damascus Steel Knife (I also have a video for it) And I hated to hide all that striated steel under a wooden handle so I made a clear epoxy resin handle so we could see through it.


Forge a letter openerForge a Medieval Letter Opener

It is an easy project and we learn six different blacksmithing techniques while doing it. Want to learn what a blacksmith does? This is a good place to learn it. Forge a Medieval Letter Opener


Forge a spear How to Forge a Spear

It is an interesting four step process to forging the tip of a spear. I use a piece of mild steel and show you how. I also have a video so you can watch how to do it. How to forge a spear



Color of heated steelThe Changing colors of steel - This tutorial, with video shows you how the color of steel changes quite dramatically as it is heated. And why this is very important to a blacksmith. The changing color of forging steel





Forge an arrowForge Medieval Arrows - This style of arrow tip is called a bodkin and it was used in the middle ages and the Renaissance. They are easy to make and I show you how. Forge medieval arrows




Railroad spikes

Railroad spike forging - They are excellent for blacksmithing, typically medium carbon steel which means they heat easy and evenly and are easy to work with. You can get them pretty cheap too. I also have projects using them right here: Railroad spikes for blacksmithing






Coal for blacksmithing - Wondering about what coal to use and where you can get it? I tell you exactly what to use and exactly where you can easily get it. All About coal for blacksmithing.





Blacksmithing tools

Blacksmith tools: The blacksmith uses a set of general tools and also uses some unique and amazing specialized tools. Ever wonder how the groove in a sword is made? I have it all here with pictures.





A hand made sword

Blacksmith a sword fast!

I challenged myself to make a sword real fast and easy. It took me six hours from start to finish. You can make a sword like this too. Check out my tutorial here: Make a sword in six hours



Sword holderMake a Sword Holder

Oliver has designed a neat little tool for holding blades and swords while working on them. Check out the picture and learn how to make one for your foging. Make a sword holder


A forgeOliver's Medieval Forge

What more can a bladesmith ask for but a proper medieval forge complete with anvil, home made forge and even a hand made bellows! You got to check out this forge setup and some of the blades that Oliver has made. The Medieval Forge


Blacksmithing stampThe U.S. Blacksmithing Stamp

I recently returned to the hobby of stamp collecting and it is interesting to see how I have changed in how I look at stamps. There is 1 stamp published by the USPS that is dedicated to blacksmithing. Take a look at it here and learn more.


REbar knifeForge a Rebar Knife

Rebar is a cheap and readily available material. It is easy to forge and in this tutorial I show you how to make a knife with it. I also show you some new techniques like how to bend the steel into curves. Make a Rebar Knife


Railroad spike hatchetForge a Railroad Spike Throwing hatchet

Fun and easy little project and I show you a technique that all blacksmiths use but very few talk about. How to forge a railroad spike hatchet/throwing axe.



A rondelForge a Rondel from a Railroad Spike

A rondel is a medieval sticking weapon that was used in the middle ages. Interesting little project and easy to make from a railroad spike. How to forge a medieval Rondel.


Railroad spike knifeMake a Railroad Spike Knife

This is a great little project if you are just beginning in blacksmithing. RR spikes are so easy to work with and you can whip up a nice little knife in no time. Practically can't do wrong with a project like this and it will help you to develop a feel for hammering hot metal. Make a railroad spike knife.


Make a Leather Sword Sheath

Sword sheath

Web visitors have been asking me to do this tutorial for a long time. I finally got to it. It is how to make a leather sheath for a sword. And I make one for our Steel Sting Sword. It also comes with a video. How to make a leather sword sheath




Subhilt knfeMake a subhilt knife

This is a complete tutorial where I take you through all the steps of making a subhilt knife. It has the extra guard on it which prevents it from being pulled out of your hand. Good looking knife! Make a subhilt knife



Dragonscale chainmail How to make Dragonscale Chainmail

This is a wonderful chainmail weave that looks really beautiful. Two different sized rings. I show you everything, step by step. How to make dragonscale chainmail



Atlas forgeThe Atlas Knife Forge - This is a wonderful little gas forge for knife making. I also have pics of one sent in by a web visitor right here: The Atlas Mini Forge. Thinking about knife making and looking for a forge to do the job? This is it!



StingMake Sting from the Hobbit - Fun tutorial and I show you step-by-step how to make this famous sword from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings.



Knife sheathBrett's Knife Sheath- He has given us a nice little tutorial on how to make a knife sheath with some inexpensive leather and rapid rivets.



Whitlox forgeWhitlox Forges - There are two big problems when it comes to the hobby of blacksmithing. Getting a forge and getting coal! How about a mini forge that uses regular cord wood as a fuel! Yup, you have got to check out the Whitlox forges. Solves both problems of getting into blacksmithing. I have more information here. This small model is also available on!



Nail swords

Make Nail Swords - Fun little project where you turn duplex nails into miniature swords. Make Nail swords




GreatHelmForge a Medieval Great Helm - This is an interesting medieval armor project. I show you the process step by step. Note though that the helmet project isn't complete yet. I am waiting on some rivets to arrive so I can button it up and finish it. But you can check it out here: Make a Medi eval Great Helm





Push dagger

Make a Push Dagger, (Or push knife) - Interesting little weapon and pretty easy to make. But it does pose some interesting little challenges when making it.



Karambit fighting knifeMake a Karambit Fighting Knife- We use the stock removal method to make this vicious fighting knife. I also have the template for you.



Throwing knifeMake a throwing knife - This is a fun project to make and a fun project to use! I had a lot of fun with this. All you need is a piece of steel and some basic tools. And you don't need a forge. You can harden and temper this with a torch. Make a Throwing Knife


Planishing stakeMake a planishing stake - In this case I call it a planishing ball. It is for shaping metal into curves and it is a standard tool for armor makers. Pretty easy to make this and I use a cast Iron Shotput. Make a Planishing Stake.







Miniature anvil

This is not exactly a blacksmithing project but... it is a fun little project on how to make a miniature anvil out of foam. It is part of a stop motion animation I have done. Check out how to make the foam miniature anvil here.





A dagger

How to make a dagger . It is very similar to making a knife. But there are a couple of differences. A dagger is edged on both sides and made for sticking not slicing! Make a Dagger



Leather knife sheathHow to make a leather knife sheath - But we have a little fun with it and dye it. Great looking sheath. How to make a leather knife sheath




Hand made sword

New Sword Making Tutorial - I take you through the whole process of making a sword. And this one is a good sized sword! Really beefy and feels good in the hands. How to Make a sword



Chainmail coifHow to Make a ChainMail Coif (Headpiece) - Not a difficult project once you know how to make the chainmail loops. I show you the process to make a fitting coif step by step: How to make a ChainMail Coif





Ancient toolsCheck out this 700 Year old Blacksmith's Toolbox. This was found on what is believed to be the BannockBurn Battle site! Quite amazing. Technically it would be a Farrier's Toolbox.




New: A look at some famous blacksmiths though the centuries. They have always held a special place in cultures because of their skills and sometimes because of the magical items they forged.




Make a fullering tool. A fuller (also known as a cannelure) is a groove down the length of a sword or knife. It is on both sides. So, how do you do that neatly and evenly? You make a fullering tool. See that project here: Make a fullering Tool



How to Forge a Sword - This is part 1 of a series of tutorials that take you through the whole process of blacksmithing a sword: How to forge a sword




New Tutorial: If you are making swords you are going to need something to quench them in! I have a tutorial on how to make an easy quench out of some PVC pipe. How to make an Oil Quench for swords





Tutorial on How to Forge a Knife - I take you through the complete process of forging a knife. All the way from raw piece of steel to finished knife. With lots of pictures and even videos. How to forge a knife



New: A look at Hardie tools and how they are used. They are an important part of the blacksmiths toolbox.



Tutorial on Knifemaking - This tutorial is comeplete. It shows you how to make a real knife without all the forging! You just need some basic tools. making a knife using the stock removal method.




New Article: Scrounging up metal for your blacksmithing - Got a forge, tools and anvil? Well, that still isn't enough. You of course need metal! I have some tips on where to scrounge up metal without breaking the bank!




New Blacksmithing Project: Make an easy Pritchel Hole Clamp - terrific little tool for holding items down on the anvil and it is easy to make. The Pritchel Hole Clamp




I am starting a new series of tutorials on knife making and the first part of this is a look at the various steels that are used. Includes a look at the popular steels and their characteristics: Steels for Knifemaking



If You are a Blacksmith you can add a little panache to your Pumpkin Carving

With a little creativity and some scrap pieces of metal you can make yourself some unique pumpkin carving tools. It is kind of a neat little idea. Always great to find a reason to crank up the forge! More info and ideas here


TriangleNew Project: (easy) Make a Dinner Bell Triangle - You just need a piece of rebar and a few other things you can scrounge up and you have a home made dinner bell. Dinner Bell Triangle




Home Made CoalNew Tutorial: How to make coal for your forge. I show you several different methods for making a high quality coal. How to make coal



Blacksmithing Diorama - I made a diorama of a medieval blacksmith shop. Fun project. Has a forge that lights up with a red glow, a tiny anvil and an even tinier hammer that I carved out of a toothpick: The Blacksmithing Diorama


BlacksmithingOn my youtube channel I have been creating a series of videos on the art of blacksmithing. You can visit that channel here: Blacksmithing Videos



How to make a simple yet effective Blacksmithing Forge (The lawn mower forge -lawnmower not needed). I show you how to make a forge. This includes the concepts of how a forge works and how to make it. This is the forge that I use in all these tutorials and videos.


A web visitor built himself a backyard forge. You can check out pictures of it and his home made anvil here. JR's Forge and Anvil





Renaissance Blacksmith

New: A recent trip to a renaissance faire where there were two blacksmith shops. Want to see a real medieval smithy complete with stone forge and real working bellows? A look at the Blacksmiths and forges of a Renaissance Faire




A look at a chainmail glove - A web visitor gives us pictures and information on how he made a chainmail glove. Check it out here.





The Blacksmith Courses - I have a series of courses on blacksmithing and most of them include videos so you can better understand the concepts and techniques of blacksmithing. Most lessons also include a video so you can see the technique in action.