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Blacksmithing Prayers


Prayer for Brigid:

Brigid of the Mantles,
Brigid of the hearth flame,
Brigid of the twining hair,
Brigid of the augury,
Brigid of the white feet,
Brigid of calmness,
Brigid of the white milk,
Brigid of the crossroads.

I am under the keeping of my Mother Mary.
My companion beloved is Brigid.

I shall not be slain,
I shall not be sworded,
I shall not be put in a cell,
I shall not be hewn,
I shall not be anguished,
I shall not be wounded,
I shall not be blinded,
I shall not be left bare,
Nor will Mary leave me forgotten.

I am under the shielding of good Brigid each day.
I am under the shielding of good Brigid each night.
I am under the keeping of the Midwife of Mary
Each early and late, every dark, every light.

Brigid is my protector,
Brigid is my maker of steel.
Brigid is my sword and shield,
Brigid is my guide.


Prayer for Saint Dunsten:

O God of truth and beauty,
who didst richly endow thy bishop Dunstan
with skill in music
and the working of metals,
and with gifts of administration
and reforming zeal.

Teach us, we beseech thee,
to see in thee the source
of all our talents,
and move us to offer them
for the adornment of worship
and the advancement of true religion;
through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who liveth and reigneth
with thee and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.




The complete modern blacksmith book

The Complete Modern Blacksmith

A truly unusual and unique resource, this extremely hands-on book brings together three popular but long-out-of-print classics (THE MODERN BLACKSMITH; THE RECYCLING, USE, AND REPAIR OF TOOLS; and THE MAKING OF TOOLS) essential for anyone interested in the making, repair, maintenance, or arcana of tools. An essential volume in any serious craftperson's library, this book covers setting up a smithy (anvil, forge, hammer, tongs, and all), and manufacturing everything from stone-carving chisels to decorative wall hooks.


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