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Knife Making Supplies

You need just a few basic supplies to make knives. Here I have some hand picked selections for you.


Sarge Knives SK-914KIT Drop Point Kit with 3-3/4-Inch Stainless Steel Blade -

This 8 3/8" 440C stainless steel pre-form (tang and blade) is shaped, drilled and sharpened and comes with aluminum handle pins and a custom-fitted leather sheath. In a few hours, you will have a personalized fixed blade that suits your taste. Serge knives understands the importance of toting a quality knife and that is why they are committed to providing a wide selection of high quality cutlery for every imaginable purpose. Whether you are outdoors skinning game or indoors preparing to cook for your loved ones, Serge has affordable knives sets for any occasion. Made from top-grade stainless steel, Sarge Blades remain sharp even after many years of use.


Columbia River Knife and Tool's 1032 Nathan's Knife Kit -

. Not only is it an easy first woodworking project, but it is an excellent way to acquaint children, seven years of age and older, with the fundamentals of knife safety and responsibility. The kit is slightly oversized for easy assembly by young hands, and comes with complete instructions and knife safety education tips. Depending on the skill of the child, the knife can be assembled from the bag by press fit, or it can be sanded, glued, sealed, stained, painted and decorated as desired.



360 Brass Knife Pin Stock 3/16" x 6 inch 2pcs. -

Designed for use in making knives.




303 Stainless Steel Knife Pin Stock 3/16" x 6 inch 2pcs.




1/4 inch diameter Mosaic Handle Knife Pins -

  • Each pin is 1/4" in diameter, outside material is brass, inside is copper and/or painted brass
  • Sold in lengths of 12", 6", and 3". Approximately 1-1/2" to 3" is used per fastening
  • Great gift for your custom knives craftsman!




5 pc Spacing Material for Knife Making





Precision Knife Guard-Stainless

Preshaped guards for your hidden tang blades. All can be fitted to most blades with hidden tangs by filing the slot to proper size. Outside dimensions are approximately 1 5/8" long x 7/8" wide X 1/4" thick. Stainless Steel Precision Guard Slot size: .180 x .450


Dykem Steel Blue Layout Fluid -

  • Used to coat metal to provide a glare-free, uniform color so scribes appear clear and sharp
  • Can also be used on other surfaces to reveal defects or pinholes, or view gear tooth contact pattern
  • Provides a thin film without cracking or chipping and dries in minutes for convenience
  • Bottle containing 4 oz. of fluid



Rosewood Knife Scales -

  • 5 inch Rosewood Scales Handle Set Pair Handles Material for Knife Making Blanks Blades Knives Rose Wood



I have more Knife Scales right Here


Condor Tool & Knife Bushlore Blade Knife Blank -

Condor took one of the best selling knives "The Bushlore" and made it possible for you to create your own custom knife. Condor will allow you to take the 3.0mm blade that's made out of the 1075 high carbon steel and create a unique "ONE OF A KIND" knife. This blade blank has an overall length of 9 5/16" with a blade length of 4 5/16". Bushlore Blank weighs.28 lbs.


I have more Knife Blanks Right here


General Tools Needle Files - Set of 12 -

  • This General Tools Swiss Pattern Needle File Sets is a complete set of general purpose files and is a great choice for tool makers, jewelers, craftspeople and hobbyists
  • Made to exacting tolerances, these high-quality files are ideal for making ultra-fine modifications to metal parts
  • This needle file set includes 12 file sizes : warding (flat), round, three square, square, crossing, oval, half round, knife, barette, slitting, joint round edge, and equalling (mill)


Great for typical knives:

Tool Steel O1 (Oil Hardening) Flat Stock, Ground, ASTM-A681-94, 1/8" Thick, 2" Width, 18" Length




- If you always wanted to make a damascus knife but didn't want to make the Damascus steel yourself this is the perfect opportunity. Damascus Knife Making Knives Blank Blade Billet Bar Steel Blanks Layers Ladder



Wayne Goddard's $50 Knife Shop, Revised

You don't need to spend a fortune to start making fantastic knives. Noted knifemaker Wayne Goddard provides outstanding step-by-step instructions for making your own tools, finding the right steel and forging, grinding and heat-treating knives on a budget.



Video available for streaming - Knifemaking Unplugged

Would you like to learn how to make knives but don't have thousands of dollars for belt grinders, milling machines and power hammers?




Make a Damascus Steel Knife

Damascus steel is challenging to make. But you don't have to make it for a knife. You can buy a blank and make a knife with it. I show you how in this tutorial: Make a Damascus Steel Knife (I also have a video for it) And I hated to hide all that striated steel under a wooden handle so I made a clear epoxy resin handle so we could see through it.


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