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Blacksmith Coal



It used to be tricky to buy small quantities of coal. This has changed. Blacksmithing has become very popular and little forges are springing up in backyards everywhere. And this means that coal is now easily available! Yay! You can buy it in quantities as small as six pounds! And have it shipped for free!

Here I have some resources for you including amazon and ebay. Oh and if you are new to blacksmithing and need some help deciding I have some tips and guidelines for you.



Just starting out in blacksmithing and have a small backyard forge that you made? You might want to start out with Hardwood lump charcoal. No sulphur burn off, easier to use and something you are more familiar with . It doesn't get as hot as coal but it will get you started quickly and with less trouble. Not that coal is much trouble. If you watch my videos you know I have used a lot of hardwood lump charcoal. If you are running down to a hardware store to buy charcoal for your forge insure that it is labeled as "Hardwood". that is important for the heat.

Here is some on amazon:

Hardwood lump charcoal

Cowboy Hardwood Lump Charcoal - 20 pound bag

Want to start out with a small amount of coal so you can get a sense for it. Depending on your forge and what you are doing you should be able to get a day of forging out of a 16 pound box of it. This stuff has free shipping. It is bituminous coal which means it is the softer coal and easy to light. But very hot.

Anthracite coal

16 pound box of bituminous coal for forging


Here is a 25 pound box if you want more coal!!!

25 pounds of coal




Blacksmithing and Heating Coal 25lbs

25lbs of high BTU Stove Coal. 1.5" to 2.5" nugget size. Coal can be used in model railroading, stoves, forges and foundrys as well as landscaping. Comes shipped in a 12"x12"x6" box.


You can also buy coal on ebay:


make your own lump charcoal from wood

I also have a tutorial on how to make your own lump charcoal from wood. Check that tutorial out right here: How to make hardwood lump charcoal for forging



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