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Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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Spotlight on Blacksmiths

Here we take a look at professional blacksmiths. They offer us tips and advice and some of them have created tutorials specifically for

Are you a blacksmith or a member of a blacksmithing organization? Would you like to get a spot on this page? Send Will an email! :


The Maine Blacksmith's Guild -

A vibrant organization in Maine dedicated to preserving traditional blacksmithing tools and techniques. They take frequent trips to Europe to blacksmith and they are working on a variety of projects including a water powered smithy. They do custom work and give classes. They even have an apprenticeship program. The Maine Blacksmith's Guild


Thak Ironworks in Canada

Want to make your own bottle opener? I have a tutorial for you right here. And it is a great tutorial for beginners because you will learn several common blacksmithing techniques like hot cutting and twisting. Thak Ironworks



The Blacksmith of Trenton -

A landmark in Trenton New Jersey that has been in continuous operation for many decades. This blacksmith did work on the statue of Liberty and made 5,000 rivets for The Brooklyn Bridge. The Blacksmith of Trenton



Dragon's Head Forge in Ohio

In the picture you see Vincent Krava. He is the owner of Dragon's Head Forge. He was kind enough to host me for the day at his forge. We talk about blacksmithing and he shows us how to make a beautiful Pineapple Twist (video included) . Dragon's Head Forge