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The Texaloy Foundry

They are a foundry located in Floresville Texas and they do some remarkable and specialized foundry work particularly for the concrete industry .

One of their specialties is a metal called Ni-Hard. I believe it might be a proprietary metal.

Let's take a look inside the foundry where I got lucky to see some metal pourings.

Check out their website here: Texaloy

I also have a video at the bottom of the page for. It shows some of this process. Molten metal is poured from the Forge into the Ladle. Then the ladle pours it into the molds.


Here is one of the ingredients they use in the foundry. I believe this is Nickel.


This is the Furnace. Let's take a look around the back of it.

The Furnace

A worker is tending to the molten metal in the furnace. He is putting in an additive that will be the slag and impurities up to the surface so it can be scooped out. He will then move the furnace up into that enclosed area.

Checkind the molten metal

The worker is checking the temperature of the molten metal with that glowing wand.

Checking the temperature of the molten metal

The furnace has been placed in the enclosure. Now around the other side they roll up the ladle which is on a motorized overhead winch.

The ladle on the overhead crane


They have placed the ladle onto a sliding platform and unattached it from the overhead crane. Now they slide the ladle into place for the pour.

moving the ladle into place


Now they open up the furnace and fill the ladle with the molten metal.

Pouring from the furnace into the ladle

Once the ladle is full they slide it away and hook it back up to the overhead crane. Then crane it over to the molds.

Moving the ladle over to the molds

Before filling the molds they scoop out any of the impurities that have come to the surface.

Skimming impurities out of the ladle

Then pour into the molds.


Pouring Molten Metal


And before the pour the molds are prepared and made ready. They are cleaned and coated with materials that will help preserve the molds and help the parts be removed from the molds.

Preparing the molds

Once the molten metal has cooled the parts are removed and stored. And the molds are inspected/prepped for more use.


The demolded metal parts



I have a video that shows this process. It shows the molten metal being poured from the forge and into the ladle. Then it is poured from the ladle into the molds. Watch it right here:

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