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America the Beautiful

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring
will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.
-T.S. Eliot (Little Gidding)

Ok! Thanks for checking out this section of my website. It is all about my journey around the United States from April 2018 through October 2018. It was a magnificent six month sojourn.

I drove the whole thing in my car and I stayed in motels and hotels of all types.

I took my time and really saw America from it's big cities to it's small towns, it's museums, faires,

and of course castles.

If you want to look at some pictures of the highlights of this trip I have a flickr album you can easily scroll through right here: Album of Will's trip around America

Vai. E, se der medo, vai com medo mesmo. (Go, and if you are scared, then go scared.)


This map shows where in the US I visited.

I visited all 48 states, all my relatives in various states, and I drove 20,474 miles.

Here is a map that I have been keeping as I traveled. I updated it as I went. This one shows the path I took around the country. I love this map. I had it for a long time before I went on this journey. I often looked at it and visualized how I would drive around America. It feels good to have actually brought it into a reality. I will be framing this and putting it on the wall.

I started the journey near Boston Massachusetts. And I ended the Journey in Phoenix Arizona where I set up house and lived for two years before returning to Massachusetts.

Watch the Youtube series right here without leaving this webpage:




The Count :

  • All 48 continental states visited
  • Journey took 6 months
  • Journey took 20,474 miles
  • I stayed in at least 100 different motels
  • I drove my own car; I went through deserts and over mountains. I did some hard driving and my car never broke down, never overheated, and I never got so much as a flat tire. It seems a bit amazing to me because I went up and over a few mountain ranges, drove through the mojave desert and more. I did however burn out both my headlights although not at the same time.
  • The journey started in my home city of Fall River Massachusetts. From there I drove north-east to Portland Maine to make my official start on the east coast.
  • The journey officially ended at the Grand Canyon in Arizona after of course I had traveled the full west coast states from north to south.
  • Why did I take this journey? There are multiple reasons. You can read about it here. When the reasons start to stack up it is usually a sign that you should act on it.

Gratitude: I am grateful for the amazing experience I had, for my car being so reliable and trouble free, for all the interesting people I met along the way, for all the beautiful places I visited, and for the whole thing being a safe journey with no problems. The Summer of 2018 is one that I will never forget.

Interested in great books about traveling, sojourning, and questing? Check out my list here

Here are some of the more popular highlights. There is lots more down the page.



Articles and essays derived from my trek around America:


Big America Highlights - Some of the More popular places in America that I visited

  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York (The MET)
  • Washington DC
  • Niagara Falls
  • New Orleans
  • New York City
  • The Metropolitan Museum
  • Mount Rushmore
  • Devil's Tower
  • Yellowstone National Park
  • Redwood Forest
  • The Arch in Saint Louis
  • The Thinker in Detroit
  • The Space needle in Seattle
  • Smithsonian
  • Hollywood
  • The Golden Gate Bridge
  • Las Vegas
  • The Grand Canyon
  • Chicago
  • The Bean in Chicago
  • Detroit
  • Saint Louis
  • Baltimore
  • Minneapolis
  • The Badlands (South Dakota)
  • White Sands New Mexico
  • The Mojave Desert
  • Bryce Canyon
  • The Petrified Forest
  • Meteor Crater
  • The Painted Desert
  • The Space Needle in Seattle Washington
  • Tijuana Mexico
  • Little House on the Prairie
  • Disneyland
  • The Cloisters
  • Phoenix Arizona
  • Roswell New Mexico
  • Hearst Castle
  • Dallas Texas
  • Newport Rhode Island
  • Hearst Castle
  • Mount Palomar Observatory
  • Zion National park
  • Deadwood South Dakota

Museums that I visited -


Here is the youtube video series on this journey. You can watch the videos without leaving this webpage.

You can follow this adventure by watching the video series on my youtube channel here.

Support Will in his endeavors a couple of different ways. You can donate via patreon/paypal. You can also simply buy on amazon through his affiliate program.

  • The Journey - As I create the webpages these listings will become links so you can read more and see the pictures.
  • Before we start on the adventure I have a motivational thought for you.

I call it "The Doorway"


Extra Stuff


Here is a complete playlist of the Medieval America Series. You can watch all the videos through this player here without leaving my website.



Will is on a quest to See Medieval America. He is criss-crossing his way across the whole country from East to West. You can Join in the fun and follow along on his youtube channel right here: Will's Youtube channel.

He is learning how to build his own castle! You can support him in a variety of different ways including donating to the cause on Patreon. Patrons get special access to products, and videos specifically made for them. Will frequently creates a video on the road specifically for patrons. Learn more about supporting Will on Patreon Here

Learn more about the castle here


I have the first version of this castle done. It is an eight page pdf which includes the base sheet that you assemble it on. There are not yet any instructions to go with it. But you should be able to put it together relatively easily. I recommend you print it up onto some kind of index card or card stock. 90 pound paper is the best. Download it here: Merry Mead Castle Paper booklet

(If you need 90 pound paper it is available on amazon right here)


You can support me and my quest by buying my books on Amazon: