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Roswell New Mexico


It is a famous place because it is near the location of the UFO Crash.

It's all speculation but fun nonetheless. The local people and businesses have embraced it so there are lots of fun and kitschy ufo things all around the town. Even the Motel I stood at had an alien standing outside.



It seemed pretty docile with not much happening when I was in Roswell. I would imagine they have a season when there are events, conferences, guest speakers etc. Might want to check with their chamber of commerce.

But, they do have a fun museum that carefully goes over all the alien spacecraft stuff and the supposed crash landing. It's fun.

Just driving around town looking for alien stuff is also fun. It's very thematic and the theme is Little green men and flying saucers.

The highlight of this city is the UFO museum. I got in and took a bunch of pictures. You can see them on the next web page.

Welcome to Roswell Sign


As you enter town you are greeted by this display along the side of the road.

Alien Spacecraft outside Roswell



This is the Super 8 I stayed in. Love the alien. And, nice place. It's clean and well run. I stayed two nights.

Super 8 in Roswell


The UFO Museum in Roswell New MExico


Aliens in Roswell


Dominos with Alien



Even the local credit union is having fun with it.



Let's take a look inside the UFO Museum