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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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In India they call them "Forts" but they are castles and they are quite magnificent. Many of them are in pristine shape. My trip to India wasn't long. I only spent nine days there but I did see a fair number of things including some of the castles.
If you are fan of castles and you are going to India you absolutely have to visit this castle. It is probably the absolutely best one in India for a few different reasons. First off it is magnificent. Secondly it is pristine shape which is rare for any 500 year old structure. Third it is well presented for tourists. I will explain a little bit more. It is in a town called Amer and not far from the city of Jaipur. The construction of the fort began in 1592 by 'Raja Shri Maan Singh JI Saheb' (Maan Singh I).
Here is a view of it from across Maota Lake.
Here is one of the wonderful tourist attractions about it. An elephant ride. You get on an elephant and ride up the cobblestone road to the castle itself. Kind of fun and very memorable.
In the first picture above you see the castle from a parking lot. In that parking lot is a snake charmer. This was unexpected but it gives a whole lot of flavor to the overall scene as you are transported to another time and place. I would imagine the castle looks pretty much the same as it did 100 years ago.
Here is a look at one of the inner courtyards. Much of the castle and its grounds is open for free roaming and you can walk around at your leisure following tunnels, paths, rooms staircases and more around the various parts. You will be surprised as things open up onto the walls, observation points and more. Overall this fort is a wonderful experience.
The Red fort is a magnificent stone fortress located in Delhi India. It is absolutely astonishing in its massive and imposing presence and in of course its red color. It was built in 1648 and out of red sandstone. Although not all of it is actually red sandstone. That is just the various outerwalls and fortifications. Inside the grounds there is a large variety of buildings and structures made of other (and finer) materials.
Here is a look at the main gate. This castle has all of the traditional designs of what we think of as a fortress from the later middle ages including a gatehouse, curved towers, crennelated walkwasys arrow slots and murder holes.
And here is a look at one half of the door at the main gate. It is large, heavy and imposing. And it has this wonderful mini door.
Here is a look at one of the inner courtyards.
Here is a look at another of the inner courtyards.
A Note from Will: I am a stamp collector. It is hobby that I have enjoyed for many years. Did you know that India has issued stamps commmemorating the Red Fort?
Here is a picture of it:
If you are interested in castle stamps I have a page devoted to them right here.