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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
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This is part of my journey around the USA. I took five months to travel all 48 states seeing many of the famous sites. I also made it a strong point to visit as many castles as I could. If you want to know more about my trek around the country the main page for that is here: Seeing Medieval America |
Searles Castles - Three locations and two different castles in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. One of them is now a private school the other is a privately owned venue that holds events like weddings.
located on a tiny island in New York and not really a castle but it makes for a great day trip where you take a ferry boat out and get a tour. Interesting history behind this structure and the builder.
Beautiful castle on an island in the middle of a lake in upstate New York. Originally built by the Singer sewing machine empire. It is now open to the public for tours and lodging. Nice castle and makes for a great tour which I took.
An amazing castle also located on an island in a lake of Northern New York. Tragedy stopped the building of it but years later it was taken over and completed. Now it is a tourist location and quite beautiful.
Don't let this thumbnail fool you. This is one of my favorite places in all of America. It is the only authentic museum in America solely devoted to the Medieval era. And it is astonishing. Part of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
A castle built in Pennsylvania by an entrepreneur who delved into many endeavors but made his fortune in Moravian Pottery. Now open to the public for tours - and the functioning Moravian pottery plant too.
Beautiful castle/mansion in Milford Pennsylvania with a history tied to the US Forestry service.
Not a real castle but a fun venue that puts on medieval and renaissance style plays and shows. Lot of fun and worth a visit. Located in New Jersey.
Located in Washington DC and the starting point for the Smithsonian experience.
Located in Pennsylvania and the first of two thousand libraries that Andrew Carnegie built all across America.
The James Episcopal Church - Located in Pennsylvania
Modern day structure that is castle-esque. It is a multi function endeavor with dining, lodging, events, tours, and more. Fun day trip.
A spectacular chapel in North Carolina that is part of Duke University.
Bryn Athyn Cathedral - It's a beautiful gothic building.
A world famous castle and one of the most prominent castles in all of America. It is the centerpiece of the Biltmore empire. You can tour the castle and also the grounds which are among the most amazing anywhere. Includes massive parks, gardens and much more. Located in North Carolina.
Located in Pennsylvania and now open as a guest house and spa.
It is a private residence in Florida. I took a drive by.
A mansion from the gilded age and now a museum. A loose replica of the famous Alhambra castle in Spain.
A magnificent star shaped naval fortress located in St. Augustine Florida. It is in perfect condition and open to the public.
A museum for the famous Ripley's Believe it or not Business. Located in St. Augustine Florida. And open to the public. It has lots of interesting Ripley-esque stuff.
A Magnificent Italian castle winery built to 13th century standards and with 13th century techniques. Quite a beautiful castle and open to the public.
It is officially called Squire's Castle but it is actually just the gatehouse to a castle that was never built. I visited it. And... there was a guy there with a drone. He shared the drone footage with us. Kind of cool.
Curwood Castle - Beautiful castle in Ohio that was the home of famous writer. I love this castle!
Loveland Castle - An amazing castle in Ohio that was built stone by stone by one man over the course of his long life. Open to the public and pretty interesting. Very much in the style of a Norman Keep.
A privately owned residence so you can't go in but you can drive by. I even stopped and got pictures and video of it from several different angles. Located in Georgia.
Do I need to say anything about this castle? This is the one in Florida.
Raymond Castle - Beautiful little castle that is currently closed. It was a private residence and after the death of the owner it spent time as a function center. It's current dispensation is unknown. Located in Raymond Mississippi.
The Red Gym in Madison Wisconsin -
Collins Castle - This is the ruins of a castle. But, you can freely explore the ruins and it is right near a spectacular waterfall and... you can get an amazing birds eye view of this castle from a vantage point.
Bishop Castle - This is quite a remarkable castle built by one man in a very unique style. It's gothic but it's not gothic.
Glen Eyrie Castle - It is an interesting castle with a peculiar history and it is now a conference center and hotel. One of the magnificent things about this castle is the beautiful grounds it sits on and the amazing colorado landscape behind it.
Hearst Castle - It is one the most famous castles in America. It very much has the feel of a Spanish Cathedral or Monastery.
The Winchester Mystery House - It definitely is a very peculiar place and it is the subject of a haunted house movie entitled "Winchester".
University of Minnesota Navy ROTC center (Minneapolis) - Built in 1886 and has served a variety of military training purposes.
The Landmark center in St. Paul -
The American Swedish Institute (Minneapolis)
The Stanford Newel House Castle (St. Paul)
Mount Vernon Place United Methodist Church (Baltimore Maryland)
Joslyn Castle - Hammond Castle Gillette Castle Kimball Castle Lucknow Castle Belcourt Castle The Breakers