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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
This is a magnificent work of architecture and building. It takes it's inspiration directly from medieval architecture. And, something really amazing about the building of this strucutre is that they built it from models, not architectural plans. That is a little tid bit that really inspires me. I will show you a picture of the placard that talks about this. I also have a second page with more pictures that are closeup.
About the architecture and the Cathedral The main part of the cathedral is Gothic and the two wings are Early Romanesque. The major part of construction took place during the fifteen years from 1913 to 1928. But the stained glass windows and interior work continued into the 1940's. It is a beautiful house of worship on beautiful grounds. And it is an active house of worship so if you plan on visiting you should keep that in mind. They allow casual pictures but you need to get approval if you are going to be doing any professional photography.
Bryn Athyn Cathedral is part of something called the Bryn Athyn Historic District. And they do offer tours of the district and the various buildings. They also have some wonderful events for Christmas and in summer they have something called The Landmarks in Lights. You can learn more by visiting their website here
This covered walkway in the following picture is a traditional Medieval architecture feature. It is called a cloister. And, if you would like to see the most magnificent cloister in all of America I have it right here. It is at a museum appropriately called "The Cloisters". in New York City. Here is the placard and how it tells us how the builders used models rather than architectural plans.
Bryn Athyn Cathedral: The Building of a Church
Cathedral: The Story of it's Construction