When I heard the learn'd astronomer,
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me,
When I was shown the charts and diagrams, to add, divide, and measure them,
When I sitting heard the astronomer where he lectured with much applause in the lecture-room,
How soon unaccountable I became tired and sick,
Till rising and gliding out I wander'd off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look'd up in perfect silence at the stars.
-Walt Whitman
"O telescope, instrument of much knowledge, more precious than any scepter! Is not he who holds thee in his hand made king and lord of the works of God?"—John Kepler.

Will's Guide to Star Gazing - Knowing a few simple things can make a tremendous difference in how much you enjoy an evening of star gazing. I give you tips and techniques on what to look for and how to get the most out of the night sky without a telescope.
Coming: Will's Star Gazing Guide Part 2 - In this installment I go over lots of specific things that you can see in the night sky. For example did you know that there is a beautiful globular star cluster in the constellation of Hercules that is visible with the naked eye?
I took a ten week backpacking adventure in Europe. And I spent a fair amount of time in Italy. But, my point here is that if you are interested in Galileo they have a museum dedicated to his life right in Florence! And I visited! You can learn more and see pictures which include his famous book and the actual telescopes he used. Check it out by clicking on the thumbnail.
Will's Book: 
See It with a Small Telescope: 101 Cosmic Wonders Including Planets, Moons, Comets, Galaxies, Nebulae, Star Clusters and More - Available in paperback and kindle on Amazon right here
A visit to Burlington Vermont to get pictures and video of the 2024 Eclipse. Check it out here
The Cardboard Telescope

It doesn't really function as a telescope. But it looks great and is all cardboard. I made this to visualize the telescope I always wanted. Check it out here: The Cardboard Telescope

Free handout for astronomy clubs and classrooms. "Eleven Tips for Star Gazing Beginners" - Feel free to download it and print it up to give out at events and club meetings. You can also customize it by adding your club name and logo. Or I can do that for you. Just email me. This handout is right here (pdf)

New Tutorial: How to easily take Milky Way photos with a digital camera. I show you exactly what to do and what to set your camera at so you easily take perfect Milky Way photos. (No telescope or fancy lens needed)

New Tutorial: How to connect your digital SLR camera to your telescope. You just need a very inexpensive adapter. Full tutorial and explanation with pictures. And a link to amazon where you can buy the adapter.

The 2019 Grand Canyon Star Party - Every year the Grand canyon has a week long event for star gazers. This one was great. It is estimated to have drawn about 10,000 visitors. And, they have astrophotography workshops. I learned how to get some great Milky Way Photos. You can see the photos and read about the Grand Canyon star party here.
I also have lots of pictures of the telescopes that were there right here

New article: Is that a meteor or an airplane in your night sky photo? It is usually pretty easy to tell the difference. The Nerd shows you a photograph he took that has both a meteor and an airplane.
I got up early and managed to get some nice pictures of the partial eclipse on June 10, 2021. And I used eyepiece projection to do it. This is an easy way to get pictures of eclipses or just of the plain old sun! Telescope, camera, sheet of paper is all you need. Learn more and see the pictures here

I dug out of storage this old Meade telescope. I bought it cheap and never put it together. I finally put it together It is a newtonian reflector with a 4 1/4 inch mirror and it has the autostar system which is a computer database enabling it to find night sky objects at the touch of a button. . Here are my thoughts about it.

I landed this nice little Meade ETX-60 for twenty dollars on craigslist. Does it work? Check out more here: The Meade ETX-60
New: How to take pictures of the sun with a small telescope. I show you how to do it with just about any type of digital camera. You just need some kind of adapter. How to take pictures of the sun with a small telescope.
Somebody gifted me this unique ten inch newtonian telescope! I love it! See a video and pictures of it here. I will be working on this telescope. The Ten Inch Newtonian Telescope
 Will visits a mecca of astronomy in Arizona. It is the weekend long All Arizona Star Party. It is 100 miles west of Phoenix and it has some terrific dark skies. The All Arizona Star party - includes information about the event and pictures that the nerd took of the sky.

New Tutorial: How to take pictures of the moon with a digital camera and a cheap piece of equipment called a t-ring adapter.

Summer is here! And there are some amazing things to see in the Summer sky including the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.. Check out Will's Guide to the summer sky

Make Constellation Cups - Easy project that is great for kids. Use dixie or small paper cups and a flashlight to project constellations onto the wall.
Make a constellation Projector - Little bit more fancy of a project. Cardboard, flashlight, paper and aluminum foil is what you need to make this projector. No lenses needed.
Somebody gifted me this enormous telescope
My gratitude for this amazing telescope with a whopping ten inch mirror! See more in my youtube video here. (opens in a new tab so you don't lose your place here on my website )
Will's Newest youtube video is now live
Make this quirky and fun eclipse machine. There is nothing like it anywhere on the web. . Watch the video right here without leaving my website
Looking for a telescope that is portable yet performs well? This is a great choice. It comes with a cellphone adapter like you see in the picture. The new SarBlue Telescope (review) The cellphone adapter is so easy to use. Just clip your phone into it with the camera right over the eyepiece and you are ready.
New: Will receieved a telescope from a new company. It is a Maksutov Cassegrain! And it's a terrific little telescope. Read Will's review, watch a video and learn more about it. Looking for a small good quality telescope? This might be a good option for you. Review of the SarBlue Mak Telescope

Will Makes a Guest appearance on the Dr. Sky radio show to talk about his new book on small telescopes. Learn more about the show and listen to it here.

Will's Six tips to getting the most out of a small telescope
Telescopes can make for an awkward first and second experience. It is easy to get lost in the night sky. Consequently a telescope can easily find itself tucked away in a closet collecting dust.
I have six tips that will help you get the most out of your small telescope. Get the telescope out of the closet and get maximum enjoyment from it!!

You probably have never seen a telescope like this one. The design is over 150 years old and as far as I can tell nobody has yet built one. It is unique but would be an easy build. Check it out right here: The Vallack Binocular Telescope

Make a telescope Part 2: the mount
I show you how to make a mount for a big 8 inch telescope that we previously made in an earlier tutorial. This telescope mount is functional, unique and easy to make. Make a Telescope part 2: the Mount.

The USPS issues a set of unique eclipse stamps. They are thermochromic. You press your finger on a stamp and the moon appear. Fun little stamp. I have more about them here: USPS Eclipse Stamps

Make a Nebula in a bottle
A nebula is a beautiful object in the night sky. And you can have one on your bureau or desk. I show you how to make one with a few around the house items. Make a nebula in a bottle

How to make a small and easy telescope
This is a complete tutorial on how to make a small telescope using lenses. I show you everything you need to know. Make a small refractor telescope

Make a 4" Telescope
This is a tutorial on how to make a Newtonian Reflector Telescope. This is the type of telescope that Sir Isaac Newton Invented! Fun project. 4 inch mirror inside. How to Make a Newtonian Reflector telescope

Make an 8 " Telescope
This is a large telescope. It has some really good light gathering power. I take you through the building of a telescope like this step by step. And I show you the fundamentals of how it is made so you can make any size newtonian reflector telescope. Make an Eight inch telescope

New: A Web visitor (Herb) is restoring three old telescopes; a 2-inch refractor, a 4 1/4 inch reflector and a 6 inch reflector. I have pics and information about how he is doing it here: Restoring Three Old Telescopes
Make an Orrery
An orrery is a mechanical device that shows the movement of celestial objects. We make one that shows the motions of the Sun the Earth and the Moon. And we do it with foam board. Make a Wizard's Orrery
New Articles:
More Articles:

New: Telescope, Astronomy and Space videos available for free on Amazon Prime.

An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth: What Going to Space Taught Me About Ingenuity, Determination, and Being Prepared for Anything
In his bestselling An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth , Hadfield takes readers deep into his years of training and space exploration to show how to make the impossible possible. Through eye-opening, entertaining stories, his vivid and refreshing insights will teach you how to think like an astronaut, and will change, completely, the way you view life on Earth-especially your own.

The technology of computers and telescopes has also very much changed over the past decade or so in that you can purchase a telescope with software that has thousands of night sky objects already programmed in so at the touch of a button it will automatically go to the objects.
About the prices and makers of telescopes: You can spend anywhere from $100 Dollars to several thousands. You can in fact spend well over ten thousand dollars on fine astronomical instruments and even build an observatory right in your back yard. I have an essay here on this site that will help you buy the right telescope for your needs and your budget.

There are lots of telescopes to choose from and if you want to know more about telescopes and how to make the purchase that is right for you I have a great tutorial on the subject. There are also lots of great books on astronomy and stargazing for you to learn with. So browse through the links I have in the left hand column and check out some of the wonderful world of astronomy and telescopes.
Just a beginner?
No worries. I have lots of tutorials and interesting information that will take you through the first steps of stargazing and astronomy from how to find constellations and objects in the night sky to how to pick out the telescope that will fit your needs, your future goals, and your budget.
Passionate about Telescopes?

I want to applaud your interest in astronomy and telescopes. Making and using telescopes has been a passion of mine for a very long time. This is an old picture of me with the first telescope I made. I thoroughly enjoy the hobby and I know that you will enjoy it too. It will bring a lot of enrichment to your life as it has done with mine.