All about alcohol markers
Alcohol markers are bright and vibrant. They are becoming very popular and pretty handy in that you can blend them. I have some tips and information about them for you here. All About Alcohol Markers.

Fantasy Art by Isabella - She is a big fan of Loki and works in a variety of media. See some of her work here and find out how she creates it.

Fantasy Art by Courtney - She has been a freelance artist for some 20 years now and she has some great tips for us. Here you can see more of her artwork and learn her tips.

Make a Medieval Art and Drawing Box
A way to organize and keep your drawing and art supplies. And under the lid we make a nice drawing surface so you can take it with you and have a place to draw and do art. Make a Medieval Art and drawing box.

Make a Light Box A light box is a wonderful little thing. You can use it for tracing, drawing, and even reading x-rays. But they are very expensive to purchase. I have a nice tutorial here that shows you how to make a great one very cheap. It uses a string of LED's as the light source. How to make a light box ( I also have a video tutorial for this project)
How to Make Medieval Paint You use egg yolk to make something called egg tempera. Its how DaVinci did it! How to Make Medieval Egg Tempera Paint

Here is a pencil drawing by Erica. It is The Man With the Thistledown Hair from Johathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. Check out a larger pic here.

Make an Animation of a Dragon flying over a castle - This is a tutorial showing you how to use the easy and fun software package called DP Animation Maker - Check it out here

Here is a pencil drawing by Jack. Its a magical wizard fox. See a bigger picture and get some tips on how he drew it right here.. Jacks fox.

Here is an oil painting by Lou - it is of Thor and it is done in oil on canvas. It is a good example of using basic composition to portray power and strength. See larger pictures here: Thor Painting

Fantasy Oil Painting by Lou B. - This is a wonderful painting done in oil paints that is very reminiscent of the early works of Frank Frazetta. Get a closer look at this painting here.

Fantasy Oil Painting A tutorial by Grant Wilson, This work is called "Watch the Sprite" but we call it "Warrior Princess"! See how to create these effects
How to create Digital coloured versions of your artworkArtist Grant Wilson shows us how he made this piece of fantasy art called Desert Riders. Specifically, this tutorial outlines a few general tips for creating digital coloured versions of your artwork. The Tutorial is here

A Tutorial by a guest artist. Artist Grant Wilson shows us how he made this piece of fantasy art. He starts out with colored pencil then shows us the techniques he uses in PhotoShop elements to achieve this great fantasy look. See a larger pic and learn the process he uses

Fantasy Artwork Submitted by Junior M. He is a freelance CG artist and Graphic Designer in New York and he creates some amazing Fantasy art. One of th software programs he uses is called Poser. It is an amazing program that will help you draw realistic 3d characters. Check out his work and learn more about him here. Fantasy art by Junior M.

Here is some great fantasy artwork by artist Parker D. He tells about how he achieves this great look in his artwork. He starts out with mechanical pencils then moves on to using photoshop 6 and a wacom tablet. Check out his work and what he says here: Parker D. Fantasy Artwork

some new mixed media fantasy artwork by a guest artist. Albert McGhee has submitted these wonderful works for us to take a look at. He shows the power that can be had by using traditional techniques mixed with computerized techniques available with Photoshop.

Guest Artwork by AlbertNew lesson (Feb 9, 2009) in the art school by Guest Artist David Dodson. He shows us step-by-step how to draw this Prince on Mountain Top. Lesson 24 This is a great peek into how an artist works. You will learn a lot from this in depth lesson!

A couple of new fantasy art drawings submitted by Metamorpheus. These are a good example of what can be done with just a pen and paper!

New book at Amazon.com How to Draw Fantasy Females: Create Sexy Cyberpunks, Seductive Supergirls, and Raunchy All-Action Heroines
From the Back Cover
From Lara Croft to Xena, supergirls are an ever popular feature of the cartoon genre, but can be one of the most challenging to illustrate. How do you create characters who are tough yet still sexy, who can pack a punch without losing their allure? Discover how to render fantasy females for computer games, comic books, and graphic novels. A New Drawing submitted by a web visitor. This drawing of a fantasy mermaid shows what can be done with just paper and a pencil. Check it out here
Three New Fantasy art pieces by a guest artist. (Heather). She like to work in acrylics because they are vibrant and colorful and easy to use. Check out the large images of her two fantasy works that I call Fire and Ice

Here is a fun exercise in fantasy art submitted by a friend. You simply draw a lot of curvey intersection lines then you fill in all the areas with creative and crazy lines and colors. It's a great way to explore color and shape. See a bigger picture here

New Lesson (Oct 31) Submitted by a web visitor (Karol S.) How to draw swords using a mechanical pencil. Karol gives us some nice tips and techniques for drawing swords that look great. Swords are a lot of fun to draw because they are relatively easy yet you can be very creative and draw all kinds of shapes and sizes. Lesson on drawing swords
Lesson 22 (New Sep 12, 08) - A guest artist shows us some of his work and discusses the tools and techniques he uses. He also shows us the importance of creating a library of images for use and practice. Lesson 22 New Article: How to Improve your Fantasy Artwork - I give you some solid techniques for improving your fantasy drawing skills

New Lesson (lesson 21) Draw a Catapult or Siege Engine Good for understanding geometry, parallel lines and the vanishing point. Update June 23, 08: New lesson on Drawing from Memory Update on this site: (June6, 2008) I have completed lesson 19 Practice by Drawing dragons (April 8, 2008) I have completed lesson 17 (how to draw a fantasy dagger) and lesson 18 (Creating space in your drawings: A Dragon's Lair)

Want to learn a little bit about drawing on the computer? Maybe using a program like Photoshop? There is a great new lesson on how to draw a Genie in Photoshop submitted by a guest artist Drawing a fantasy genie by Adel Radwan

Start the Fantasy Art Lessons - If you are new to drawing and are looking for the tutorial that will take you through daily lessons on how to draw this is where you start. You can do the lessons at your own pace and these drawing lessons will give you all the skills you need to make your own terrific drawings. All you need to do is practice!

Fantasy Art Lessons Begin Here Tools & Techniques of the artist - Information, tutorials, tips and hints about the variety of tools and techniques used in the art world. There are stand-alone tutorials on specific subjects.

Specific Lessons on how to draw fantasy creatures, knights, armor, weapons and all types of things.

Advanced Techniques, Books, Articles and More advanced subjects, theories about Drawing. Would You like to contribute to this art school? If you have a drawing or drawings that you would like to see done into a lesson send me an email! I would love to have your work join in the school. Of course you will get full credit for your work! Send me an emaill

See What others have contributed here: (You can have your art posted too!) Check out the fantasy art submissions by web visitors
Looking for a book? 
Beginning Illustration and Storyboarding for Games (Premier Press Game Development)

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