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Cardboard Projects

I love corrugated cardboard. It is amazing. It is light and it is strong. And I have made a whole lot of projects using it.

Here are some of my more popular corrugated cardboard projects.



Cardboard main page - How to recycle cardboard - Techniques for working with cardboard - Box shaped projects - Books - some examples and ideas - Pictures of various cardboard objects - Cardboard weapons and armor - Tools for working with cardboard -Cardboard assembly techniques and tips - Big Cardboard Projects  - Cardboard Machines - Amazon Boxes and sizes - Articles and essays about cardboard - Links to various cardboard resources - Paper Towel tube projects - Cardboard Toys and games you can make - Easy Cardboard Box Projects for kids - 1,000 box shapes - Tools for working with cardboard

Have you made something with cardboard? Take a picture and send it to me! I will put it on my website along with other peoples projects right here. Cardboard projects made by web visitors

Looking to buy cardboard or boxes? I have help for you right here

There are a whole lot of different ways you can use cardboard to make things. You can use boxes to make box-like projects and you can use the corrugated cardboard itself to make all kinds of projects in a whole lot of different shapes.

My shadow theatre project is a good example of using a box to make a box-like project. And the rocket pencil holder is a great example of how flexible corrugated is when making just about anything in any shape!


So be sure to start saving your cardboard like I do!

And, if you need cardboard for a project but don't have any it is readily available at Walmart and other stores. Walmart has a wide variety of them that are very inexpensive.


Looking for a creative cardboard project? Will has lots of them. Take your time and scroll down this page; see if there is something that catches your eye and creative desire! Easy ones, challenging ones, moving projects and so much more. Will has the best cardboard projects on the web!

Or click on an image and go to that project.


There are even more projects below
including tips, tools,tutorials and more cardboard stuff.


Want some specific techniques for working with cardboard? I have a whole bunch of them for you right here: Cardboard working techniques


Always be on the lookout for opportunities to use cardboard in creative ways. A good example of this is the slotted packing cardboard that you sometimes get when something is shipped. Check out my creative use for this stuff right here.







NEW: Will reviews three kids safety tools for cutting and working with cardboard

Cardboard is amazing. And it is free. If you get packages in the mail then you probably get lots of cardboard. it is also an excellent creative material for kids. But, cutting cardboard can be a bit problematic when it comes to safety. They make very safe cutting toos designed for kids. Will reviews three of them with thoughts and pictures. Review of three kid friendly cardboard cutting tools.




The dream in the library

This project is based on a dream I had one night. It was very vivid and I have decided to bring it into a reality by doing a stop motion animation. And this project shows you how amazing cardboard is - and how much you can do with it. You can even build a set for a stop motion animation with it! The Dream in a library stop motion animation




The Cardboard Telescope






It doesn't really function as a telescope. But it looks great and is all cardboard. I made this to visualize the telescope I always wanted. Check it out here: The Cardboard Telescope


The world's greatest cardboard castle

This is an on-going project that is now complete! (Jan 2024). You can see updates and follow along in the progress right here: The world's greatest cardboard castle

What makes this castle the worlds greatest?

Well, it might be that it has an actual working catapult, actual music inside the cathedral, over a hundred lights, a working motorized drawbridge and portcullis and a whole lot more!


Make the One Box cardboard castle One box is all you need to make this castle. You get the double benefit of making it and using it for play. Great looking and easy to make castle. Make a castle out of a cardboard box.


The Cardboard Story telling machine

We are living in troubled times. There are many challenges facing humanity. DaVinci knew the solution to these problems over 500 years ago. I show you his solution in this poignant little cardboard storyboard machine. Watch the video and learn the solution right here: The DaVinci Solution

And you can make a wonderful little cardboard storytelling machine like this too.


I have some new cardboard project videos on youtube. One is how to take down a UFO, one is how to stop a train derailment and the third is a Waffle House game. Three very different and very creative games made out of cardboard. Watch the videos on my website page right here: Three creative cardboard games.


This is a beautiful project. A coral reef is hidden inside a box. I use glow in the dark paints to make it come alive. If you have glow in the dark paints this is a must do project! If you don't have them that's okay. You can still make a beautiful coral reef with a single box.

Make a Coral Reef in a box


Remember those skee-ball games they used to have in arcades? Make one out of a single cardboard box and a rubber band! And I give you some creative options to take yours to another level. Make a cardboard box skee-ball

I have an updated and upgraded version of the Skeeball Project.
I call it the "Carnival Shoot". In this tutorial I show you how to make your cardboard skeeball fancier! Carnival Shooot


Make a dartboard out of a cardboard box - yup

You know that Will likes to look at things sideways. It's a creative thing to do. With this project we literally use cardboard "sideways". Yup, the corrugations are perfect for a toothpick to stick into. We use this trait to make a dartboard out of a cardboard box.


Make a windmill out of cardboard - fun and it really spins

Just a few materials is all you need for this. And I show you how to easily make some pulleys out of cardboard. Add a rubber band and you have a working Windmill. Make a Windmill out of cardboard


Make a cardboard helicopter

This project was inspired by a toy from the 70's. It's a helicopter with blades that spin. Fun project and I give you everything. Make a cardboard helicopter


Make a magic illusion! A Ghost in a box

Just a few materials is all you need to make this amazing little project. The ghost magically appears and disappears inside the box. Your creativity is the only limit on this one. Make a Ghost in a box magic illusion


Make a cardboard desk

Yup, it's an actual working desk that I have used many times for my crafting. Five boxes from Walmart and some masking tape. Cost me 15 dollars. I show you how to make it right here. Make a cardboard desk (Includes a youtube video tutorial)


Make a puzzle box

It's a clever box with a secret compartment that only opens if you know the secret. I give you instructions, a video and the template so you can make this puzzle out of a single box. Make a cardboard puzzle box


How to Make Roof shingles out of cardboard

This is a technique I developed during the making of the cardboard castle. It's pretty clever and it is cardboard. How to make roof shingles for dollhouses and cardboard castles

How to Make cardboard stairs

I show you a quick and easy way to make stairs out of cardboard. Great for small projects and dollhouses. Make Cardboard Stairs


Make a Cardboard Carousel (Merry go Round)

This isn't a full step by step tutorial but I have a lot of stuff here to help you make a carousel like this one, including a video showing you my carousel in action. This project is way too amazing! Make a cardboard carousel


Make a knights helmet with wings and a visor that works

Easy project you can wear. I show you everything including how to make it a size that fits on you! Winged, and the visor goes up and down. Make a knights helmet out of cardboard

Make a mystery box - (haptic perception)

Haptic perception is exploration through sense of touch. Put an object in the box and somebody reaches in to feel it and guess what it is. Kids love this project. Make a Mystery Box


Make a spinning wheel of fortune out of cardboard

This is a fun project you can make with simple materials. The clicketly-clack of the spinning wheel is too much fun. Use it for all kinds of things. It probably also is called a casino wheel or a raffle wheel. Tutorial is right here


The Cardboard Box Aquarium This project absolutely tickles me pink!! I love this little aquarium. It is fun to look at and it was a whole lot of fun to make. You can make one too. How to make the Cardboard Box Aquarium


Pachinko is a fun game of chance and skill. Drop a marble anywhere at the top and try to get higher scores at the bottom. Make a cardboard Pachinko Game



We made the easy periscope and now we make the Ultimate Periscope! The ultimate periscope has an extension so you can slide it longer or shorter and the turret on the top rotates. Want to have some fun working with the amazing properties of cardboard? Make the Ultimate Periscope


Do you want a good looking base for a diorama? I have one you can make out of cardboard. It looks great. I have the template and instruction for you on how to make it. Really easy and good looking diorama base. Make a cardboard base for your diorama


The easy 1 box periscope You don't need glass mirrors for this one box project. You can use mirrored paper. Fun project. Who doesn't love a periscope?Make the easy periscope



Make a Dungeon out of Cardboard It's an easy and good looking set of tiles for table top gaming and adventuring. Cheap! If you have a few basic supplies you can make it. Make a cardboard dungeon


Make an axe out of a pool noodle. Fun and easy project! I show you how to do it step by step. You will need a large cardboard box for this one.

Make a Pool Noodle Axe


Make a sword out of a pool noodle. Cost you a dollar and make a strong yet safe sword. Easy to do and I also have a video tutorial to go along with it. Make a Pool Noodle Sword.Just a noodle, knife, glue and some cardboard is all you need.


Make a puzzle on cardboard from your own photos. Fun project and you can tailor it to the age group it is intended for. Easy puzzle for young kids and more challenging puzzle for older kids/ or adults! I like this project. I also show you how to make the box. Make a puzzle on cardboard


Fun, fast and easy little catapult that is also powerful. You can make it in no time and then have competitions with it. Cardboard, rubber band, toothpick, and glue is all you need. And as always, I give you the template. Make a mini cardboard catapult.


Make the One Box cardboard castle One box is all you need to make this castle. You get the double benefit of making it and using it for play. Great looking and easy to make castle. Make a castle out of a cardboard box.


Make a shadow theatre out of a cardboard box

This is a fun project that is easy to make. And, once you make it the creativity continues. You can put on shows and tell stories with this cardboard box shadow theatre.


cardboard rocket pencil holder

Make a cardboard rocket pencil holder Fun little cardboard project with a clever way of forming cardboard tubes. How to make a cardboard rocket pencil holder.


New: Make a mini marshmallow crossbow

This is a fun project that is easy to make. A rubber, band, cardboard and glue is all you need. And it is powerful! Make a Mini Marshmallow Crossbow.


New: How to easily form cardboard into tubes and cylinders Now you can re-use and recycle cardboard boxes and make all kinds of great projects. This tutorial shows you how to form cylinders and tubes.


Lots of easy paper towel and cardboard tube projectsI have a lot of fun and easy projects for you to make with cardboard tubes. Cardboard tube projects


Make a Cardboard Dollhouse (Tudor Style!) Make an inexpensive and durable dollhouse that looks great. I give you the designs and blueprints free. And I have a video tutorial showing you how to make it. Make a Cardboard Dollhouse


Make a Cardboard record player (phonograph) It's not practical and it sounds pretty silly but it is a real project and you will get a kick out of it.

Make this phonograph out of cardboard.


Make a cardboard Sword

Four Cardboard Swords
Wnat to make a safe cardboard sword or scythe? I have a tutorial that shows you how. I make the Buster Cloud sword, a reaper scythe, a pirate cutlass and a traditional knight't sword. Easy to make and look great. Make a cardboard Sword


Make a cardboard Katana

How to Make a Cardboard Katana:
This tutorial shows you how to make a great looking katana out of cardboard. And it is super strong because we adapt the secret techniques of the Japanese sword masters to the art of cardboard. How to Make a Cardboard Katana


Prank: Rattlesnake in a box

Easy project that you can make quickly. Another fun cardboard project to make. It shakes like a rattlesnake when you pick it up. Make a Rattlesnake in a box.



Make a Marble-tilt labyrinth game out of a cardboard box. A box and some creativity and you have a fun game. Make the labyrinth any way you like. I also have some clever labyrinth ideas for you. Make a Marble-tilt labyrinth game.


Viking Axe

Make a strong Viking axe out of foamboard or cardboard

This is a fun and easy project. And you can handle it a lot because it is durable. I also show you a new technique for making the bevel on bladed weapons. How to Make a Viking Axe

a Cardboard Catapult

How to Make a Cardboard Catapult

How about making a powerful little catapult out of a piece of cardboard, a pencil and a rubber band. Make a Cardboard Catapult


the Batarang

Make the Batarang from Batman!This is a really easy project and it comes out great, has a great feel and look. Just a sheet of cardboard or foamboard is all you need. I give you the template to make it so easy. Make the Batarang


Viking Sword and Helmet

Make a Viking Sword and Helmet

This is an easy project that you can make. And you only need a few supplies. I even give you the template for the sword. How to Make a Viking Sword and Helmet


Hylian Shield

Make the Zelda Hylian Shield The zelda sword was a big success so I figured I would do the shield too. Pretty easy project, just need a couple of sheets of cardboard and some paint. Make the Zelda Hylian Shield


Uruk Hai Scimitar

Uruk Hai ScimitarThis is the sword that the Uruk Hai wielded in the Lord of the Rings Movies. Easy to make and all you need is a sheet of foam board or cardboard. Download the package and print it up. Make an Uruk Hai Scimitar

Spartan 300 Warrior Sword

Make a Spartan 300 Warrior Sword out of cardboard This is a tutorial with video that shows you how to make a nice looking Spartan sword out of cardboard. It is very strong and easy to make. Should take you less than 2 hours depending on the glue drying time. How to Make a Spartan Sword

A Khopesh Sword

Ancient Egyptian Sword: A Khopesh This is an easy project where you can make a cardboard sword called a Khopesh. It is half axe and half sword and a 3,000 year old design. Make a Khopesh Sword

Make a Cardboard Shield

Make a Cardboard Shield for Halloween or just for fun
I have some nice tips and a tutorial on how to make a good looking cardboard shield. Make a cardboard Shield