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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
Quicklinks: Cardboard main page - How to recycle cardboard - Techniques for working with cardboard - Box shaped projects - Books - some examples and ideas - Pictures of various cardboard objects - Cardboard weapons and armor - Tools for working with cardboard -Cardboard assembly techniques and tips - Big Cardboard Projects - Cardboard Machines - Amazon Boxes and sizes - Articles and essays about cardboard - Links to various cardboard resources - Paper Towel tube projects - Cardboard Toys and games you can make - Easy Cardboard Box Projects for kids Looking to buy cardboard or boxes? I have help for you right here
Another good tip for you when making something like this. The holes are important. They are how you pull out the drawer. I love this project. It holds a lot of my arts and crafts stuff.
Another nice aspect of making your own cabinet is that you can size it specifically to your needs. Or the space limitations you have. This next picture shows the cabinet in place under my crafting bench. And I am left handed so it is on the left side under the bench.
How about a waste bin? The key to something like this is measuring it out first so it comfortably fits a trash liner bag. That's the thing. And, notice how the corners are reinforced with extra cardboard. I also recommend putting a second layer of cardboard on the bottom - for strength and durability.
I also made a round waste bin. The same thing applies here; make sure it is sized for lining with a trash bag. For me these two bins serve different purposes. This "R"ound one is for "R"ecycling.
When I put bags of food the freezer I like to attach a label and write the date on the bag. This is my little holder> It holds a marker and tape. Sometimes I put blank labels in it.
This is taped on the wall in the kitchen in a handy spot. Now I don't have to go looking around for a marker and label, or go rummaging through the junk drawer.
I struck gold with this box. Not sure yet what I am going to make out of it. But there is unlimited possibility here.
How about an actual desk? I made this desk with three things: 1. Four large boxes that I bought at Walmart 2. Masking Tape 3. Kraft paper (That's the top surface) Really quite a simple project. And notice that on the desk is a cardboard pencil holder :) Tell me that I am not obsessed with cardboard!