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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
or would like to
contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
Cardboard is brilliant. It is everywhere. And it comes in a seemingly infinite variety of shapes, sizes and textures. Always be on the lookout for unusual cardboard stuff and how it can be used in creative ways. A good example of this creativity is what I have done with this packing cardboard.
You probably have seen this stuff. It is used as a packing material - particularly with heavy or bigger objects
For me it just seems to flow. And when I think of flow, I think of water! So, this stuff was a great choice to make the moat water around my cardboard castle. Take a look:
It looks great and there is a touch of irony to this because when it comes to cardboard it's greatest enemy is water. Cardboard gets soggy really fast! What other creative ways could you use this cardboard packing material?? Want to know more about this cardboard castle? I have it right here: The World's Greatest Cardboard Castle