Paper towel and Bathroom Tissue tubes! They are everywhere and there are lots of creative projects you can make with them. I have ideas for you right here and it includes a youtube video. Fun things to make with Paper Towel Tubes

Make a Rapunzel Paper Diorama (Tatebanko)
Here is an easy scene from the Grimm fairy tale Rapunzel that you can make. I give you everything in the template. You print it up and put it together. Make a Rapunzel Paper Diorama

Make a Periscope
A periscope is a fun and easy project to make. I made them as a kid and now I have an easy tutorial for you. How to Make a Periscope

Make a Nebula in a bottle
A nebula is a beautiful object in the night sky. And you can have one on your bureau or desk. I show you how to make one with a few around the house items. Make a nebula in a bottle

Make a simple diorama
This is a great project for kids. You need a small box, glue stick, scissors and a magazine. That's it. I show you how to make a simple diorama.

Make the Batarang from Batman!
This is a really easy project and it comes out great, has a great feel and look. Just a sheet of cardboard or foamboard is all you need. I give you the template to make it so easy. Make the Batarang

Make a Shoebox Space Diorama
You can make a fun Space diorama where the astronaut is floating in space. I give you all the artwork. And you don't even need a shoebox. I show you how to make one out of cardboard or foamboard. Make a Shoebox Space Diorama

How to Make a Cardboard Catapult
How about making a powerful little catapult out of a piece of cardboard, a pencil and a rubber band. Make a Cardboard Catapult

Make a Crown
This is a wonderful paper mache project where you make an iconic crown inspired by childrens favorites like The Little Prince and Where the Wild Things Are. How to Make a Golden Crown

Make a Viking Sword and Helmet
This is an easy project that you can make. And you only need a few supplies. I even give you the template for the sword. How to Make a Viking Sword and Helmet

Make a snowglobe with a little bit of Pizazz!
I shows you how to make a snowglobe and what liquid/materials to use. And it doesn't have to be a rustic scene or a snowman. It can have a little bit of zing to it! How to make a snow globe

Magic Illusion diorama
A fun and easy diorama project that fools the eye with a false perspective. Create any scene you want. I created a sword in the stone project. Peek into the peephole and see the scene. Make the Magic Illusion Diorama
Make a Unique Solar System Diorama

The Diorama is in the shape of a telescope (Just a shipping tube) and you look inside the telescope to see the planets by either looking in the eyepiece or by taking the cover off. Neat little diorama that is really unique yet easy to make. Make a Solar System Diorama

Make a Paper and cardboard Castle
This is a fun project - I give you all th e drawings and plans you need to make this castle thats ready for painting - Make a castle

How to Make a Catapult
The Table-Top Troll Catapult Build this miniature catapult from materials found around the house. It's an easy project and the catapult really fires projectiles! Catapult

Make Majora's Mask from Legend of Zelda Fun mask project from the video game. Unique mask, wonderfully colorful and easy to make with paper mache. Of course I give you the template! Make Majora's Mask

How to make a Marionette It doesn't take a whole lot of materials to make a nice little marionette. You just need a little creativity. The sky is the limit! This project is a bit more challenging for kids. I recommend it for kids 10 and up
How to Make a Marionette

Make a Paper Mache Animal Pinata This is a neat tutorial where I show you how to make just about any kind of animal pinata. I also take this to a new level and make the pinata so it talks when it gets hit! That's an optional thing and you can see the tutorial here: How to make an animal pinata out of paper mache

Simple Origami Bird This is a simple bird fold. It is a crow and a nice place to start if you have never done origami before. All you need is a square of paper. And it stands up which makes it rather unique. Simple Origami Bird

Make an Origami Star Fun project and easy to make. Just a series of folds to make these 3D stars. All you need is a piece of paper Make an Origami Star

A Unique Dinosaur Diorama Not your typical dinosaur diorama. In this one a meteor streaks across the sky and a super volcano erupts. Nice project for learning about the extinction of dinosaurs Make a Dinosaur Diorama Includes drawings of 6 dinosaurs and all the artwork and instructions you can print out and color.

A Terrarium for Kids Some guidelines and tips for great terrariums that kids can make. Includes a learning sheet that explains how a miniature ecosystem works. A Terrarium for Kids

Rainforest Diorama This easy project uses the concept of the 5 layers of the rainforest canopy as its building structure which is a nice way to learn about the rainforest The Rainforest Diorama

Paper Parthenon - Acropolis Complete downloadable project, print it up and glue it together. It is the Parthenon in Greece. I also have a video showing it and showing the real Parthenon. The Paper Parthenon

How to Make PlayDough There are lots of recipes on how to make dough for kids to play with. This recipe is probably the best. Requires a bit of heating in a pan. Its a fun project in itself and the final product is fun too!
How to Make PlayDough

Make a rainbow scratch drawing Fun project that will keep you busy for a couple of hours. All you need is paper, crayons, dark paint and a pin and you can make a fun scratch drawing.

Make a Cigar Box Castle
This is a fun and very creative project. Just a cigar box and a little imagination, bits of foam, balsa wood, toothpicks and clay. All kinds of stuff can be used to make a cigar box castle

Make a Zoetrope A zoetrope is a fun little optical illusion project. You might even call it an animation project. You put a series of images inside a tube and spin the tube. Look through slots you made and the images become an animation. Fun and easy. And I give you the template with the animation ready to go. Make a Zoetrope
Make a Thaumatrope

A thaumatrope is the very first example of the phenomenon of persistence of vision where images merge together. And in a way it is where film and animation started. Two images blur together as you spin it. I have a tutorial on how to make one and I give you three sets of images in a template so you can print them up and make them.
Make a Thaumatrope

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