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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
This is a tutorial on how to make Majora's Mask from Legend of Zelda. It is a fun and easy project and I give you the template which makes it very easy for you to make. And I show you the color scheme and how to paint it. I also have a video tutorial for this project at the bottom of the page.
Earn a Certificate of Contribution!If you make this project email me a picture! I will email you a certificate of contribution from stormthecastle.com You can print it up and hang it on the wall.
Materials Used for this project:
Let's Get Started
Open up a cereal box and cut out the side panel. I have marked off the side panel with black lines in this photo. Cut both those lines.
Print up the template. There is the cover page and two other pages. The template is right here for you to download
Take the page with the mask base, looks like this. And cut out that shape.
Place that template on one of your sheets of cereal box cardboard and trace it.
Then flip the template over onto the other cereal box sheet and trace it onto that one.
And go ahead and cut out those mask halves.
Tape those two halves together. Make it nice and strong. Tape both this side and the underside.
Go ahead and tape all the points around the mask too for strength. Shown here is the base of the point taped but go ahead and tape the whole point right over.
Watch the Video Here:
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D
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