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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Project Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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contribute projects or ideas you can contact me
This is one of the absolute best castles in all of America. And this is for a few different reasons. I will explain why and show you some pictures. This visit to Castello di Amorosa is part of my Medieval America Trip where I traveled all of America visiting sites. You can see the main page for that here: Medieval America
Update on this castle: In September of 2020 the grounds and parts of the castle were damaged by fire! You can watch a video here
It is a beautiful castle and it is authentic. What I mean is that is a real 13th century winery castle. The builder was very determined to build it in the same way they did it in 13th century. Including a few major things like rather than cutting the stones with modern stone saws they actually were hand chiseled. Yup. Pretty amazing. The builder has expertise in medieval architecture and he scoured the world to find the right architect, builder and masons that could get it done right. It was a big challenge and it took fifteen years. And this authenticity goes all the way through everything including all the metal work which was hand wrought by blacksmiths. It was an admirable challenge and you really have to give credit to the owner for getting all done. Let's look at some pictures. This angle is a bit deceiving. The castle might look a tad small from this angle. But is not small at all. It is 121,000 square feet! Just look at the various windows. Doing that will give you a better idea of the size of it all. The Courtyard
The Great Hall
A beautiful stairway arch
A view of the vinyard
A bit of the hand-wrought metalwork
The Chapel
It's a stunningly beautiful castle and if you want to learn more about it or get some of the wine check out the website here: Castello di Amoroso
Some Facts:
Rooms and more:
Here is a floorplan of the castle from the brochure they give:
There is a book about the castle; written by the actual castle builder Dario Sattui.
How the winery came to be is an inspiring entrepreneurial tale of one man's daring vision and his determination to see it realized no matter what. That man is Dario Sattui, founder of the V. Sattui Winery in St. Helena.
Will is on a quest to build a castle. And as part of this he has embarked on an adventure across America visiting castles, blacksmiths, meaderies, museums and all sorts of medieval places. You can follow along on the adventure! Yes, there are castles in America and Will is visiting them!! Check it out here: Medieval America