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I have a youtube channel with over 1000 Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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Burguete is just a little tiny town in Spain. Wikipedia lists it's population as 228 people. It is a town that is directly on the Way of Saint James pilgrimage. So, every pilgrim passes right through it. And it is just over the border between France and Spain.
A snippet from Hemingway's "The Sun Also Rises": We crossed the Spanish frontier. There was a little stream and a bridge, and Spanish carabineers, with patent-leather Bonaparte hats, and short guns on their backs, on one side, and on the other fat Frenchmen in kepis and mustaches. They only opened one bag and took the passports in and looked at them. There was a general store and inn on each side of the line. The chauffeur had to go in and fill out some papers about the car and we got out and went over to the stream to see if there were any trout. Bill tried to talk some Spanish to one of the carabineers, but it did not go very well. Robert Cohn asked, pointing with his finger, if there were any trout in the stream, and the carabineer said yes, but not many.
But in a way it has some historical significance because it was one of Hemingway's favorite places to stay.
This next picture shows the Inn where Hemingway stayed for six weeks and wrote "The Sun Also Rises".
Hemingway was a fisherman. He loved to fish and talked/wrote a lot about fishing here around Burguete in the Irati River. I roamed around looking for it but really couldn't find any good fishing spots.
Although, as my pilgrimage progressed through spain I saw some amazing fishing spots.
Will spent ten weeks in Europe on a pilgrimage across three countries It was Italy, France, and Spain. There were lots of wonderful stops and experiences along the way. But the three major pilgrimage stops were Rome and the Vatican in Italy, Lourdes in France, and a 500 mile pilgrimage walk across Spain on the Way of Saint James. You can learn more about this adventure/pilgrimage/experience on stormthecastle right here. Or you can delve even deeper to get videos, writings, hundreds of pictures and more by supporting Will on his patreon page here