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Gratitude and India Calling





Gratitude is a very important thing. It's something we often overlook in our everyday life. But for me it is something I am very aware of, mostly due to the circumstances in my life.

Well, early this morning I went for a walk in the cemetary (that's the place for bird and me). The sun was just coming up in the east and the moon was just going down in the west. Between the two was me and a red tree. The sun was shining on the tree and the beauty of it was heart rending. It only lasted a minute as I approached the tree and it felt like a gift. I stood under it and appreciated it all.

The sense of gratitude struck me very strongly. Even though I have had challenges in my life I am so very grateful for all this. The mystery, beauty and wonder of it all is almost overwhelming.

Anyway, India has been calling me for quite a bit now. And it is time to heed the call. Not sure what the reason is but I can't know if I don't go. So, off I go, soon to that place to see. Wow, how grateful I am for the opportunity, the things I will feel and the things I will learn. I will write about it. Imagine that. A few dollars, a few hours on a plane and there I am.

A year later, I have added to this post. Look below


Funny how the river of time works.

It is now September of 2014 and I have been to India and back. It was a wonderful experience. And I did visit the Taj Mahal and contemplate what I went there to think about. I gleaned some insight into myself and my question. ( Saudade, the Taj and an earring)