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More Mead!



Two bottles of meadHere are two bottles of mead made by Jeff. There is an apply cyzer and an orange spice! He has made three more batches including raspberry and blueberry! My thanks go to him for sending in the pic!!







wo batches of mead

Here are two batches of mead made by Bryan. My thanks go to him for sending in the pic. The batch in the back is a traditional mead and the one in the front is a strawberry pear melomel.









Here is a picture of a batch of mead made by Justin. He calls it "the Red haired Lass". And here is what he says about it: Roughly 3 lbs snowberry honey and 2 pints fresh louisiana strawberries. To be ready just in time for summer. Calling it "The Red Hair Lass" this picture is after it's first rack.

My thanks go to him for sending in the pic!












Cherry mead

Here is a Cherry Mead (Melomel) made by Joe. He used Pasteur Champagne yeast in it and it took off fast. He aptly describes the color as a cinnamon. My thanks got to him for sending in the picture!









Here a couple of bottles of mead made by Bob.

Heere is what he has to say. And he has a wonderful tip about caramelizing a little bit of the honey!

This is 2/3 saw palmetto honey and 1/3 wildflower (mostly Brazilian pepper, orange blossoms, and and holly by the time of year). D21 with french oak in primary, aged with American and French oak for 4 months in bulk.  This is my go-to mead, batch number 8, and is easily drinkable by bottling time, great at 6 months after bottling, and priceless at 2 years.  OG 1.108 FG 0.998 Another trick is caramelizing a small percent of the honey for about an hour, it does wonders. 

Here is his caramelizing honey tip:

Just put about 2 cups of honey in a heavy pot and simmer on medium for about an hour.

Honey Mead Palm and wildflower mead



Here is a batch of mead made by Justin. It's called "The Sleeping Giant" he tells us a little about it:

This mead was made by my husband Justin; it's his first batch and he's choosen a recipe for sack and used a generous 18 lbs of pure snowberry honey and he plans on steeping freshi vanilla beans to get just a shade of Vanilla Flavor.It's a glorious sight!








MeadThis is two batches of mead made by Matt. My thanks to him for the picture! Here is what he has to say:

The carboy on the left is a drier batch with 2.5 lbs of honey and the one on the right is a very sweet mead with 5 lbs of honey. When the honey is consumed i'll add benonite and wait a week to rack to a clean carboy, the dry mead will be bottled in June and the sweet mead will be bottled in December for Christmas. I added yeast nutrients on the first day and used lalvin 1118 yeast and energizer on the second day. I may add a touch more honey after racking. My next batch will be a dry blueberry.



Blackberry melomelHere is a picture of a wonderful blackberry melomel made by Sebastian. He followed my Cherry recipe and substituted blackberries for the cherries. It looks fantastic. And my thanks go to him for sending in the pics.












Cat and carboy

Ok! You know that is going to be a good mead when the cat can't get enough of it. This is Eric's mead and the cat is Havana!






Mead in beer bottles

Here is a batch of mead by Robert. It has been bottled in beer bottles and he calls it Hooch mead! My thanks go to him for sending in the pic!






Fermenting mead

Here is a batch of pumpkin mead that was made by John. Looks terrific! My thanks go to him for sending in the pic. He is going to add a little honey to this and make it a sparklling mead.













Here is a big batch of mead made by Eric. And wow does it have great color. My thanks go to him for sending in this pic. He says that it is almost ready to bottle.








Mead being bottledAnd here is that same batch of mead shown above now being bottled. Wow, it looks great. It has a wonderful golden color.







Here are two batches of Mead made by Travis. The first is a plain mead and the second is a melomel with lime. My thanks to him for sending in the pictures!

Mead Mead

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