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Some Tips and Notes from
Red Crow Meadery

Here is a recipe and some tips from Red Crow Meadery. There is a list of equipment needed to make mead and a recipe for mead.
Recommended Equipment for Mead Making
- Some of the equipment listed here is expensive but its worth it. trust me on this.
- 1(four-gallon) enameled or stainless steel pot (do not use aluminum it affects the flaver of the final product)
- 2(five gallon) glass carboys
- 1 fermentation lock with a rubber stopper to fit the carboy
- 7 feet clear siphoning hose
- 3 feet plastic blow out hose
- detergent and chlorine bleach
- large funnel
- corker
- corks
- wine bottles
- brix hydrometer
- thermometer
- acid-testing kit
this is just a simple kit add as much stuff that you want.
Note From Will: I have this equipment available through amazon.com You can check it out here: Mead Making Equipment
Recommended Simple Mead Recipe and Procedure for making it:
- this is a simple recipe for a 1gl batch of mead
- 3.5lb of clover honey
- 1gl of spring water
- 1pack of lalvin EC-1118 wine yeast
- yeast energizer as directed on container
- yeast nutrient as directed on container
Fill the sink with warm to hot water and place honey containers in the sink, wait for 10min.
Fill a food safe bucket (empty ice cream buckets work well) with 1gl of room temp spring water.
Empty the honey into the bucket and stir well. add the yeast to 120ml of water let stand for 15 min. meanwhile mix the yeast energizer and yeast nutrient with water as directed. pitch(pour) the yeast nutrient and energizer into the must( honey water). when the yeast is done pitch it into the must. then stir the must for 5 min.this absorbs oxygen into the must allowing a good fermentation. transfer the must to a glass carboy with a fermentation lock. let ferment for 2 weeks or until there is no more bubbling. when done fermenting rack(siphon) into a new clean, sterilized carboy. let age for at lest 3 weeks to 1 month. when done aging bottle in clean, sterilized wine bottles, cork with sterilized corks.
happy brewing!

Absolutely new to Mead?
I have a nice little 4 minute video that you can watch. It explains what mead is and how it is made: What is Mead and How is it made?

Love Kindle Books? I just published my kindle book on how to make mead. It is a no-nonsense easy guide to making a batch of mead. You can get it in the kindle store.