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I have a youtube channel with over 700 Videos!
Hi, Thanks for visiting my website. My name is Will and if you have questions
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Setting up a beehive is not difficult. You just have to know a few things. And it is pretty much like anything else, you have to learn a few new words and terms and what the various things are. I will take you through the complete process including installing your new batch of bees from a nuc. If you are really new to all this bee and beehive stuff and you want a refresher on the parts of the hive I have a nice explanation with pictures right here: The parts of a beehive
Where to Keep your HivesThis is an important thing to consider. You really shouldn't put your bees just in any empty spot. There are things you can do to give advantage to your bees and keep them safer and more comfortable. The hive is sensitive to temperature, wind, and sunlight so you want to do what you can to protect these senstivities. One of the biggest things is that the hive be able to monitor and maintain its own temperature inside. This means sheltering it from major wind and sun. The following picture gives you a look at my hives and shows some of the important points for hive location.
Important points for hive setup and location
Ok Now let's set up the actual Bee HiveSet up a good solid base for the hives to sit on. Don't skimp on this. There is nothing worse than working on a hive and having it tip over! This will make a really stinging mess of things. I use eight cinder blocks per hive.
Now lay down the bottom board. The opening is toward us. This is the south/southeast facing.
Install one Deep Super on the base. This is the brood chamber. This is where the queen will spend most of her time laying eggs.
Now install ten frames in this deep. Depending on how you get your bees you will be taking some of these out but thats something we will cover later. For now we are just setting the hive up.
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