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Make a stop motion animation in one day - Part 2 the green screen work


Now our little figure has come to the two blank pictures and we want to insert videos into those frames. Not, pictures but actual running videos.

It's easy to do in DaVinci Resolve.

That green disappears. Those are not really black. They are empty. And now any video or image we place in the same time slot as this video will show through that emptiness.

We place the videos on the time line in the same time period as our picture frames and that is pretty much it. They show up in the video.


Now about this green screen process. I have shortened it just so you get an overview of what to do. But there are some steps to take, and a few things to know in order to do this. It's not hard or complicated. But I recommend you watch a youtube video that shows you exactly what steps to take in order to create a green screen video. There are lots of good videos out there that are less than ten minutes long.


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The dream in the library

This project is based on a dream I had one night. It was very vivid and I have decided to bring it into a reality by doing a stop motion animation. And this project shows you how amazing cardboard is - and how much you can do with it. You can even build a set for a stop motion animation with it! The Dream in a library stop motion animation