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Use a remote shutter release!

When shooting the pictures for a stop motion animation you are going to be taking hundreds, even thousands, of pictures.

And one of the subtle mistakes that can make a difference in your animation is camera shake!

Just pressing the shutter release button on your camera can move the camera a little bit. And this can cause an inconsistent, and nove very smooth series of pictures.

But you can avoid this by using a remote shutter release.

You don't have to touch the camera at all to take your pictures. So there is no movement at all in the camera.

If you are not familiar with a remote shutter release it is very simple to understand. It is simply a button on a cable. You plug the cable into your camera and then when you press the button it acts just like the button on the camera.

Simple as that. It's a very cheap piece of equipment and it doesn't require any batteries or anything else.

If you have one you should use it for your stop motion animation. If you don't have one I recommend you get one. It will make a difference in the quality of your animation.

You can get one for almost any camera and you can get one for cell phones too. Here is an affiliate link to them on Amazon. Just be sure to get one that is compatible with your camera/phone. Remote shutter release buttons on Amazon


My camera is a Canon Rebel so it is a very popular series of cameras and there are lots of remotes available for it. And when I bought my camera it came with a whole host of accessories including a remote.

The project I am working on, that you see in the picture above is called "A dream in a library" You can read more about it here:The Dream in a library stop motion animation