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Lesson 9d: Form and fill

In this lesson we continue drawing the human knight. We give the knight some form and fill.


drawing the human form - a knight

Now add the shading to finish up the drawing - this is where you look at the light cast on your subject and use shading to give a three dimensional look to the figure.

Accentuate the musculature of the figure and use strokes with your pencil that go in the direction of the fibers of muscle. Look for low spots on the body and darken these in. Use an eraser to take out the graphite at the highest points of the muscles. The thighs are a good example of this.

This drawing is just a rough sketch to help you understand the process of drawing a human body. With practice and time you can draw some great figures but you have to understand that any good drawing takes a bit of time and concentration. The example shown on the next page of a male torso took about three hours for me to draw. It is a good example of how you will be drawing if you have the patience and do the practice.


Take a look at the more detailed male torso


How to Draw and Paint Dragons: A Complete Course Built Around These Legendary Beasts

Dragons have figured in the visual arts from time immemorial, but today they are more popular than ever as subjects for computer games and science fiction books, posters, and films. A noted fantasy artist shows students how to create a wide variety of dragons from conception to finished illustration. He instructs in ways to start with the anatomy of actual living species such as reptiles, horses, birds, and bats in the creation of convincing and aesthetically pleasing dragon art. Students learn how to draw and paint a complete anatomical skeleton, apply muscle groups and scaly textures, create dynamic poses, and generally master the skills that bring dragons to life in brilliant finished artwork. Many different legendary dragon species are shown, and templates are provided for tracing and computer scanning. Magnificent color illustrations on most pages.



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