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Making the Dragon's Temple Part 3

Let's take a look at finishing off the dragon's temple by adding in some more details. These details include a treasure chest and a skeleton of a knight still in his armor.


The treasure chest in the temple

We add a treasure chest and a light in the corner of the room. This is right near the exit grate. I have a tutorial on how to make this treasure chest just below.


treasure chest

Making a Miniature Treasure chest

I have a tutorial on how to sculpt a treasure chest out of hardening clay and even how to cast duplicates of it. (that tutorial is further down this page).But you might not want to sculpt in clay. Its a lot easier to carve a cut a piece of foma to make a great looking treasure chest. Here is the tutorial.


Skeleton knight in the temple

Here is our little chainmail knight. His name is Luther. It is a nice detail that has been added to the temple. It tells the story of how another knight had tried to slay the dragon but didn't succeed. He is ten feet away from the treasure chest. Oh well.

This little knight is really neat and while making it I came up with a nice technique for making chainmail that looks real.

Miniature chainmail

How to create realistic miniature chainmail armor

Here is a quick and easy way to make great looking chainmail. I make it for a knight's suit of armor. Comes out great: Make miniature chainmail


The Red Carpet

One last detail added to the temple is a red carpet. You can use any number of things for this. I got sheets of red material from the arts and crafts store. It is kind of like a thick paper with fabric on it. You have a lot of options. Arts and crafts stores like Michaels or AC Moore have all kinds of great textured and fabric papers.


Burning the carpet

I aged it by painting and smudging brown colors on it and I also used a lighter to burn some of the edges.

Using this carpet in an animation. It is important that nothing moves while you are animating so I used a spray on glue to glue this red carpet right down to the floor. We don't want it to move!


The fire breathing dragon

Dragonslayer Temple Animation

Watch my latest stop motion animation in the saga of the dragonslayer. In this episode our dragonslayer battles the dragon. I also have lots of great stuff on how to make sets like this: The DragonSlayer 7 Temple Stop Motion Animation


Our dragonslayer loses his shield

How to do special effects

I have a tutorial here that shows you how to do three different special effects for animation. They include flames, a flying missile and a shield that flies through the air like the picture shown at left. How to do special effects for stop motion animation



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