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Build a Castle Diorama for kids



Here is a terrific little diorama made for kids. The artist/builder is Jason Gage and he made this for his 6 year old son. It came out absolutely terrific.

Something like this is a fun and creative project that I think will light up a child's creativity.

. He did it using paper mache which is an easy and inexpensive way to make a scene like this. He used equal parts of water/flour/ elmers glue.

He suggests that if you are using thin plywood as a base, you should lacquer or somehow waterproof it.  Otherwise, the paper mache will warp the board into a crescent.

Here are some pictures.

The Uberlord Plots Arbitrary Justice

A castle diorama

Battle for the Castle Jewels

A castle diorama

Storming the Castle

A castle diorama




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